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published in(发表于) 2016/5/10 5:13:21 Edit(编辑)
Shandong zhangqiu 33 deaths caused by explosion 4 people neglect sentenced

Shandong zhangqiu 33 deaths caused by explosion 4 people neglect sentenced(山东章丘致33人死亡爆炸事故4人因玩忽职守获刑)



Shandong zhangqiu 33 deaths caused by explosion 4 people neglect sentenced | explosions _ news

Shandong zhangqiu 33 deaths caused by mega-explosion 4 people neglect sentenced

Xinhua Jinan May 9 Electric (reporter Wang Zhi Wu Shuguang) reporter 9th from Shandong province zhangqiu people's Procuratorate was informed that, by highest people's Procuratorate tone supervising, and Jinan people's Procuratorate filed, and zhangqiu people's Procuratorate filed prosecution of zhangqiu "5·20" King accident case, recently by zhangqiu Court a trial, sentenced to including Jinan economic and information Committee original Deputy Director Lee 廼 peak, zainei of 4 per capita made negligence crime, respectively sentenced three years to three years and six months ranging of shall be sentenced to.

On May 20, 2013, people burst in zhangqiu, Shandong province, Jinan technology seismic explosive columns special workshop a major explosion, killing 33 people were killed and 19 others were injured, more than 54 million yuan of direct economic loss.

The was filed prosecution of 4 name accused respectively for Jinan economic and information Committee original party members, and Deputy Director Lee 廼 peak (Deputy Council level); Jinan economic and information Committee material industry at original director Zhang tieqiang (are at level); Jinan economic and information Committee material industry at original Deputy Director Sun Chengyi (Deputy at level); zhangqiu economic and information Council security section original Chief Zhang Baomin.

Court trial think, Jinan by letter Board, and zhangqiu by letter Council Department city, and county people burst industry safety of competent sector, 4 name accused in respectively served as Jinan economic and information Committee Deputy Director, and material industry at Director, and Deputy Director and zhangqiu economic and information Council security section chief during, is in charge of or is responsible for people burst industry of safety work, on insurance Limin burst Jinan company has security regulatory responsibility; 4 name accused being national staff, serious not responsible, not seriously perform duties, Heavy losses to the States and the interests of the people, and the circumstances are especially serious, their acts constitute crimes of dereliction.

After trial, the Court sentenced the accused Li naifeng, shall be sentenced to three years, four years ' probation; Zhang tieqiang sentenced defendant to be sentenced to three years and six months; Sun Chengyi sentenced defendant to be sentenced for three years to Zhang Baomin of the defendant shall be sentenced to three years imprisonment, suspended for three years. (End)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Explosion accident

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Xinhua News Agency


  新华社济南5月9日电(记者 王志 吴书光)记者9日从山东省章丘市人民检察院获悉,由最高人民检察院挂牌督办、济南市人民检察院立案、章丘市人民检察院提起公诉的章丘“5·20”特大责任事故案,近日经章丘市人民法院一审,判处包括济南市经济和信息化委员会原副主任李廼峰等在内的4人均犯玩忽职守罪,分别处以三年到三年零六个月不等的有期徒刑。








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