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published in(发表于) 2016/5/10 5:12:53 Edit(编辑)
Poverty alleviation Office: Eastern region to increase investment in poverty alleviation in the western areas

Poverty alleviation Office: Eastern region to increase investment in poverty alleviation in the western areas(扶贫办:东部地区要加大对西部地区的扶贫投入)



Poverty alleviation Office: Eastern region to increase investment in poverty alleviation in the western areas

Data 构词成分。 wave photo
Beijing, May 10 electric State poverty do Director Liu Yongfu today pointed out that, for things Department poverty collaboration, next also to continues to strengthened, and refinement, and deepening, increased support efforts, not only poverty area to increased input, East area also to increased on West area of input, and to precision, to implementation precision poverty of strategy, aimed at built document state card poverty population, and poor, help West a put, achieved "two a ensure" of target.
State Council information office held a press conference today, poverty relief Office introduced the views on establishing the withdrawal mechanism of poverty on the situation and answered questions. For the eastern region's role in this critical time of poverty, Liu Yongfu said.
Liu Yongfu collaboration on poverty alleviation, for example, WADA 8 counties to determine Beijing counterpart to help the four counties, helping Tianjin counterparts in three counties and counterpart supporting a county in Anhui Province, the "Twelve-Five" period 3 provinces and 8 counties have over more than 1000 programs, invested more than 13 billion funds, these projects mainly on education, health, water, roads, houses and so on.
He said that collaboration on poverty reduction was "early and late" practice of all Eastern provinces and cities are now supporting arrangements, such as Beijing helps Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Yunnan, Tianjin help Gansu, national four provinces of Tibet, Xinjiang and Tibet, has a clear mandate.
Liu Yongfu said, the next step is to continue to strengthen, refine and deepen, enhanced support, not only to invest in poor areas, must increase investment in Western areas in the eastern region, and precise, accurate poverty reduction to implement the strategy aiming at filing state card poor, poor, give a hand to the West to realize the "two guarantees" goal. Next step may be to further deployment of this work. Eastern region also will increase its poverty alleviation reforms, storming to explore ways out of poverty across the country.
In addition, the battle objectives for poverty eradication "without sorrow, three guarantees, both to ensure that" China "not to worry about food" metric, Director of the Office for poverty alleviation policy and regulations Division, said Su Guoxia, introduced, "not to worry about food" actually have a relationship with China's poverty standard, there should be no lower than the poverty alleviation Office 2100 kcal criteria proposed for the first time. But poverty alleviation Office want people outside of rations, and appropriate meat, milk and eggs.
Liu Yongfu said, need not worry about food and clothing are standard, "there was poor, the family may only have one pair of pants, now have a change of clothes every season, season 35, seasons, skirt, unlined garment, coat, leather jacket. Was poor, cotton-padded jacket in winter, wear clothes inside the lint out of spring. It's not used now, cotton is cotton, unlined is unlined. "
(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-05-10 14:05:40
China News Network

资料图 泱波 摄

  中新网5月10日电  国务院扶贫办主任刘永富今日指出,对于东西部扶贫协作,下一步还要继续强化、细化、深化,加大支持力度,不仅贫困地区要加大投入,东部地区也要加大对西部地区的投入,而且要精准,要落实精准扶贫的方略,瞄准建档立卡贫困人口、贫困户,帮西部一把,实现“两个确保”的目标。






(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-05-10 14:05:40

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