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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:32:52 Edit(编辑)
Sony’s 70 years old: the classic points of the market,

Sony’s 70 years old: the classic points of the market,(索尼70岁:经典产品大盘点,)



Sony's 70 years old: the classic market-Sony, Walkman,Sony-IT information

May 8, Beijing time, on May 7, 1946, Morita (Akio Morita), and Ibuka (Masaru Ibuka) founded a company, it later became one of history's most successful consumer electronics companies, the company is Sony, now 70 years old. Initially company's name is "Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo KK" (English name: Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation), only 190,000 yen (equivalent to us $ 1500), mainly manufactured consumer devices, such as rice cookers, heating pad, was not successful in business.

In 1950, the company developed Japan's first tape recorder, a great success. In 1958, the company officially changed its name to Sony. During the 70-year history, Sony have released many classic equipment, rewrote the layout of technology industry, affecting our lives. In the initial years, Sony has not been easy, with its ups and downs.

In 1955, Sony launched TR-55, its success, in this picture, well be tough with a transistor radio. In the 1950 of the 20th century, the transistor radio changed the way people listen to music. Small semiconductor manufacturers can develop smaller, cheaper devices, enable young people at any time to hear the music. Sony TR-55 powered by 4 AA batteries, installed 5 transistors, it is Japan's first transistor radio, is also the first to install perforated aluminum alloy Enclosure equipment. Products TR-63 smaller, has sold 100,000 units. Ibuka was TR-63 in his hand.

In 1968, the first Sony Trinitron TV KV-1310. Trinitron is "single-gun three-beam CRT", including red, green, blue, three shots is not used. Compared with ordinary TV, KV-1310 high brightness of 1 time, viewing angles are very good. United States Trinitron was a huge success, worldwide sales reached 280 million units. 1996 patents expire, other companies can also use this technique. 2008 Trinitron shutdown because LCD and plasma screen technology has begun to move towards the path to success. The figure was taken in 1981, Morita, perched on a 30-inch on Triniton TV.

In 1979 Sony Walkman TPS-L2, it also succeed. Founder of Ibuka said in order to design a new portable device to replace relatively bulky cassette player, the team faced a lot of challenges. Walkman TPS-L2 powered by 2 AA batteries, equipped with portable headphones, price 33000 yen (about 213 pounds, about 2000 RMB). Products listed on the sensational, 2 months sold 50,000 units. Eventually Sony sell 186 million Cassette Walkman all over the world.

1982 Sony Watchman FD-210, this is the first mass-market portable television. You can spare antennas, watching live TV, TV screen is only black and white, size 2 inches, it incorporates a newly developed flat-screen CRT technology.

In 1994 Sony launched the PlayStation. In the 1990 of the 20th century, Sony broke the Nintendo, Sega's dominance of the game market, launching the first PlayStaiton games, 1995 products into Europe, priced at US $ 299 (about 2000 RMB), bishijia Saturn cheap. In 2000, PS2, sold 155 million units, becoming the best-selling computer game in history. In 2006, the PS3 came out, it helped Sony win the Blu-ray war. Recently Sony has unveiled the PS4, has sold more than 35.9 million.

In 1999, Sony's robotic dog Aibo, which is the first consumer-oriented robots. Sony had no intention of selling Aibo, it is just a research project when the machine when the dog started selling, selling 3000 units in 20 minutes. In 2007, Sony CEO Howard Stringer (Howard Stringer) cut off the Aibo, and focusing on more lucrative projects.

In the 1970 of the 20th century, Sony defeated in a home video format war, by the year 2000 or so, discs began to replace tape with Sony Blu-ray (Blu-ray) to win. Blu-ray disc capacity than DVD, HD video can be mounted, easy for users to enjoy high quality programmes in the home. Toshiba to compete with Sony, when it launched the so-called year of HD DVD,2008 Toshiba terminated production of HD DVD, 20th Century Fox and Warner Brothers decided to support Blu-ray. Today's Blu-ray has been everywhere, but new competitors have emerged, it is online streaming video.

Sony has had success, and there have been failures. Betamax tapes of 1975 was a flop. Science and technology war may now be IE and Chrome, Google and Bing's war, but in the 1980 of the 20th century, technology format war is over home video tape recorders, against Sony's Betamax and JVC's VHS.

Sony launched the Betamax, to JVC to become partners, it even allows JVC used its own technology. The result was less than satisfactory, and a year later, JVC introduced the first VHS recorders. JVC's VHS video recorder you can use different size tapes, Betamax's image quality is better, but VHS recording time 1 time times longer than its rivals, tapes and players are cheaper, which ultimately becomes the winner.

In 1992, Sony Mini Disc, it is used to replace tape, it is difficult to define it as a "failure" because although it only in Japan has been a real success, but many fans like it. MiniDisc Walkman MZ-1 is a portable CD player, due to the sale of fewer records, CD low price, plus MP3 player launched in 2013, Sony discontinued MiniDisc Walkman.

In 1998, Sony Memory Stick, it did not succeed. If you've used before and after the 2000 launch of the Sony cameras, will know the photos are stored in the Memory Stick. Memory Stick is tiny, no active components, originally designed for Sony hopes that it can be used in computers and small video products, such as cameras, Sony thinks it can be a floppy disk, a small digital storage format (for example, CompactFlash) competition. That's not what happened.

When the market begins to accept thinner when SD card, do not need a Memory Stick, eventually use only Sony Memory Stick products. Sony did not give up and continued to produce smaller Memory Stick and Memory Stick Pro also supports industry-standard SD and Micro SD card.

2000 years or so, Sony's Sonic Stage without success. Sony to bundle music management software and a portable music player in order to control software, make it a proprietary product. Sonic Stage can only be run on Windows, very bulky, software DRM (digital rights management) to strictly control the copyrights, with the result that users cannot drag-and-drop operation to transfer music from your computer to a portable device. Is not supported in earlier versions of Sonic Stage MP3, no wonder it failed.

In 2005, Sony BMG Music CD sold reached 22 million, it is protected by the proprietary software. Many CD into a program, it can secretly copy-protection software, software is not visible to users, we call it the Sony BMG "rootkit". Security company found that the program is not secure, computer users may be vulnerable to an attack. Sony bring class-action lawsuits, it is compensation to the buyer, and remove old software releases new software.

索尼70岁:经典产品大盘点 - 索尼,Walkman,Sony - IT资讯

北京时间5月8日消息,1946年5月7日,盛田昭夫(Akio Morita)和井深大(Masaru Ibuka)创办了一家公司,它后来成为了历史上最成功的消费电子企业之一,这家公司正是索尼,现在它已经70岁了。最初公司的名字叫“Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo KK”(英文名:Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation),投资只有19万日元(相当于1500美元),主要制造消费设备,比如电饭煲、加热垫,在商业上并不成功。



1968年,索尼推出第一台Trinitron电视机KV-1310。Trinitron指的是“单枪三束彩色显像管”,包括红、绿、蓝色,没有使用三枪。和普通电视相比,KV-1310的亮度高了一倍,可视角度非常出色。在美国Trinitron大获成功,全球销量达到2.8亿台。1996年专利到期,其它企业也可以使用该技术。2008年Trinitron停产,因为LCD和等离子屏幕技术开始迈向成功之路。该图拍摄于1981年,盛田昭夫靠在一台30英寸Triniton TV上。

1979年索尼推出Walkman TPS-L2,它同样取得成功。创始人井深大说,为了设计出新的便携设备,替代相对笨重的录音带播放器,团队面临很大的挑战。Walkman TPS-L2用2节AA电池驱动,配有轻便耳机,定价33000日元(约213英磅,约2000元人民币)。产品一上市就引起轰动,2个月卖了5万台。最终索尼在全世界销售了1.86亿台盒式Walkman。

1982年索尼推出了Watchman FD-210,这是第一款面向大众市场的便携电视机。你可以抽出天线,收看电视直播节目,电视的屏幕只有黑白色,大小2英寸,它采用了新开发的平板CRT技术。


1999年,索尼推出机器狗Aibo,它是第一款面向消费者的机器人。索尼原本无意销售Aibo,它只是一个研发项目,当机器狗开始销售时,20分钟卖了3000台。2007年,索尼CEO霍华德·斯金格(Howard Stringer)砍掉Aibo,专注于更加赚钱的项目。

在20世纪70年代,索尼在家庭视频格式大战中败北,到了2000年左右时,光碟开始取代磁带,索尼凭借蓝光(Blu-Ray)获胜。蓝光光盘的容量比DVD大,可以装载高清视频,方便用户在家中欣赏高质量节目。与索尼竞争的是东芝,当时它推出了所谓的HD DVD,2008年东芝终止了HD DVD的生产,因为20世纪福克斯和华纳兄弟决定支持蓝光。今天蓝光已经无处不在,但新的对手已经出现,它就是在线流媒体视频。



1992年索尼推出了Mini Disc,它用来替代磁带,我们很难将它定义为“失败”,因为尽管产品只在日本取得了真正的成功,但是有许多发烧友喜欢它。MiniDisc Walkman MZ-1是一款便携音乐光碟随身听,由于预售的唱片比较少,CD价格更低,加上MP3播放器的推出,2013年索尼停产MiniDisc Walkman。

1998年索尼推出了Memory Stick,它并未获得成功。如果你使用过2000年前后推出的索尼相机,就会知道它的照片是存储在Memory Stick中的。Memory Stick很袖珍,没有活动组件,最初设计时索尼希望它能用在电脑和小型视频产品中,比如相机,索尼认为它可以和软盘、小型数字存储格式(比如CompactFlash)竞争。事实并非如此。

当市场开始接受更薄的SD卡时,根本不需要Memory Stick,最终Memory Stick只有索尼产品才使用。索尼并没有死心,它继续生产Memory Stick和更小的Memory Stick Pro,同时还支持行业标准SD和Micro SD卡。

2000年左右时,索尼推出的Sonic Stage同样没有成功。索尼将音乐管理软件和便携音乐播放器捆绑,目的是控制软件,让它成为专有产品。Sonic Stage只能在Windows上运行,相当笨重,软件通过DRM(数字版权管理)对版权进行严格控制,结果导致用户无法通过拖放操作将音乐从计算机转移到便携设备。早期版本的Sonic Stage并不支持MP3,难怪它会失败。


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