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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:29:16 Edit(编辑)
18 year old network anchors 4 months made 140,000 Yuan: the moment shorn,

18 year old network anchors 4 months made 140,000 Yuan: the moment shorn,(18岁网络主播4个月赚14万元:瞬间被骗光,)



18 year old network anchors 4 months earns 140,000 Yuan: the moment shorn-scams-IT information

As networks developed, Internet broadcasting are increasingly known. Linyi 18 year old Bob (not his real name), is a well-known anchor of the broadcast software, with more than 500,000 fans, and made a profit of 140,000 yuan in 4 months time. Recently, however, he was not in the mood to play live.

According to the Shandong qilu channel stream-do radio and television reports, small said: "my fans when the relatives, he was doing this to me, makes me very sad. "According to Bob introduced his live webcast 4 months, making a total of 140,000 yuan, recently, all these money were cheated by a fan.

He cheats on the network send a lot of gifts to Bob, Bob to thank him, two people become micro-friends. Soon, the fans said could bring him by way of investment, earn more money. Bob gave each other a 5000, 5700 men soon returned to him, later, Bob gave them 10000 Yuan, after two hours, returns to the 12000 Yuan.

So higher earnings, Bob started vigilance is relaxed. Last time that the other 100,000, but after 5 days, but have been playing for time. Back and forth through the rhetoric, Bob eventually voted 138000 Yuan, the fan will pull black, Bob realized he was cheated.

18岁网络主播4个月赚14万元:瞬间被骗光 - 诈骗 - IT资讯





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