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published in(发表于) 2016/5/8 3:33:57 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping, Fujian landslide rescue indicates, effort to rescue those trapped on missing persons

XI Jinping, Fujian landslide rescue indicates, effort to rescue those trapped on missing persons(习近平指示福建滑坡救援,全力搜救被困失踪人员)



XI indicates landslide rescue effort to rescue those trapped missing in Fujian Fujian _ | | XI news
May 8 shooting in taining County, Fujian province, landslides due to heavy rainfall the scene of the accident.

Taining, sanming city, Fujian province XI Jinping Kai Shan landslide disaster rescue work important instructions

Request full search and rescue organizations do their best to reduce casualties

Li keqiang made rescue work instructions

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 8-May 8 at 5 o'clock, Kai Shan Heung, taining, sanming city, Fujian, landslides, resulting in chitan hydropower plant 1 Office building was destroyed, 1 project site accommodation camps is buried. Up to 12 o'clock, 7 people were injured and 34 others were missing.

After the disaster, the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, he immediately issued instructions requiring rapidly organized forces in Fujian province and related departments to carry out emergency rescue, effort to rescue those trapped, missing persons, and do their utmost to reduce casualties and do a proper rescue, relatives of victims to appease rehabilitation work. Strengthening monitoring and prediction, science help to prevent secondary disasters. Relevant departments under the State Council to guide local and enterprise strengthening disaster and safety hidden danger, strengthen accountability and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

, Premier Li of the Politburo instruction requiring all efforts to rescue victims and treating the wounded, Ministry of land and resources to lead immediately set up a working group under the State Council, rushed to the scene to guide the rescue work. SFCDRH authorities guide troubleshooting and help further around all kinds of disasters, State administration of work safety supervision to strengthen safety in production responsibility and the measures, guarantee the safety of the public.

According to XI Jinping, Li keqiang, instructions and requirements, were rushed to the scene to direct the rescue work of the Working Group of the State Council, Fujian Provincial Government leading comrades in charge of command at the scene, rescue work was intense and orderly.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
XI Jinping, Fujian

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习近平指示福建滑坡救援 全力搜救被困失踪人员|习近平|福建_新闻资讯


  要求全力组织搜救 尽最大努力减少人员伤亡


  新华社北京5月8日电 5月8日5时许,福建三明市泰宁县开善乡发生山体滑坡,造成池潭水电厂1座办公楼被冲垮、1座项目工地住宿工棚被埋压。截至12时,已造成7人受伤,另有34人失踪。





习近平 福建


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