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published in(发表于) 2016/5/8 3:33:42 Edit(编辑)
US media said China’s oil imports to a record, Digest of global excess capacity

US media said China’s oil imports to a record, Digest of global excess capacity(美媒称中国石油进口量创纪录,消化全球过剩产能)



US media said China's oil imports to a record Digest global excess capacity

File photo: bashkirian oil company in an oil field in the oil-drilling equipment. (Source: Reuters website)

Reference news network on May 8, US media reports said Bloomberg's shipping and tracking data show that 83 of 166 million barrels of crude oil was loaded supertanker sailed to China. In China in the first quarter of 2016 storage stunning 787,000 barrels of oil a day, the highest number of crude oil storage from 2014.

According to the United States, time magazine, May 2, when the whole world is trying to guess the price of oil would fall to 20 or even 10 dollars a barrel when China was engaged in hoarding its petroleum reserves. Since the beginning of this year, China's oil imports to a record level.

Reports as early as January 2015, Reuters reported that China plans to increase its strategic oil reserves from 30 days to 90 days. In January 2016, reports China is building underground storage reservoir to supplement the lack of the above-ground storage tanks.

Reports that China's urgent action point to two things: China believes crude oil prices at current levels for a long time, and because of the geopolitical supply disruptions, which could push oil prices to rise.

As a net importer of crude oil, the emergence of China is against Black Swan events, take advantage of the current low oil prices fill their oil tanks. These filled the oil tank will ensure that in the event of supply disruptions can have at least three months in the case of a steady supply.

So, whether China's unprecedented buying spree showed that crude oil prices to the bottom?

Reported that it is difficult to draw such a conclusion, but it does give the current low oil prices provided support, because if oil prices drop, China will likely resume its record-buying behavior, increase its strategic oil reserve.

In March China's total crude oil imported by large oil tankers is 7.7 million barrels a day. Addition to super tanker, China also imports crude oil through oil pipelines and the small tanker.

Reports said Chinese demand and shows no corresponding to the volume of imports increased by increase. Estimated at Morgan asset management, in March, China's total oil demand was 10.3 million barrels a day, down 2.5%, a decline of 2.3%, crude oil imports for the period is higher than over the same period last year.

Since April, has been on the rise in crude oil prices. April China import data will be provided on demand in China in the context of rising oil prices remains the same when he was a rising oil import prices fell clues.

Reports said if demand fell after the rise in oil prices, we can assume that China believed that the upturn in oil prices would not last. At a lower price level, Chinese buying may be a price at the bottom of a factor since China increased imports will reduce the degree of excess supply.

Similar and unique position as a producer of Saudi Arabia, China's behavior is like a big consumer. However, as China does not publish its data, it is difficult to estimate how long this trend will last.

Reports that although there are other factors that encouraged the bulls are buying at lower prices, but China's demand growth also help with digestion and excess capacity. If the decline in China's imports, the world will return to surplus, oil prices will return to levels below 35 dollars a barrel. (Compile/Cao Weiguo)

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-05-08 03:14:04
Reference news network
美媒称中国石油进口量创纪录 消化全球过剩产能


  参考消息网5月8日报道 美媒称,彭博新闻社的航运跟踪数据显示,装载了大约1.66亿桶原油的83艘超级油轮在驶向中国。中国在2016年第一个季度里每天贮存了令人惊叹的78.7万桶原油,这是自2014年以来最高的原油贮存数字。













(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-05-08 03:14:04

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