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published in(发表于) 2016/5/8 3:33:17 Edit(编辑)
Sanming, Fujian, landslides still have lost 33 people, 8 people hospital

Sanming, Fujian, landslides still have lost 33 people, 8 people hospital(福建三明滑坡仍有33人失联,8人在医院救治)



Sanming, Fujian, landslides are still 33 people lost 8 people hospitalized | | | lost _ in sanming city of Fujian news

May 8 at 5 o'clock, Kai Shan Heung, taining, sanming city, Fujian, landslides, resulting in chitan hydropower plant 1 Office building was destroyed, 1 project site accommodation camps are buried.

According to front command message at 14 o'clock today, a total of 8 workers in the hospital, and another 33 were lost. (CCTV reporter Lin Zhou)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Sanming, Fujian, lost landslide

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福建三明滑坡仍有33人失联 8人在医院救治|福建|三明|失联_新闻资讯


  根据前方指挥部的消息,截至今天14时,共8名工人在医院救治,另有33人失联。(央视记者 林舟)


福建 三明 失联 滑坡


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