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published in(发表于) 2016/5/7 5:53:00 Edit(编辑)
Yilong·masike: billionaire satin hands

Yilong·masike: billionaire satin hands(伊隆·马斯克:亿万富翁段子手,)



Yilong·masike: billionaire satin hand-horse gram, Tesla, SpaceX-IT information

This is not joke jokes today, because the main character is Yilong·masike. Paypal, and Tesla, and SpaceX, these great companies are born because he, both in such a long span of success, of course, need a genius insight, technical, business skills, but more importantly there is implacable purpose, and ignore the stares and criticism of others character.

Mr MASKEY is one such person, and his first wife after 8 years of marriage, the two feelings of the crisis, suffering wife suffer from great psychological pressure, so about a therapist, hoping to save their marriage, but a month later, Mr MASKEY suddenly issued an ultimatum "or solve family problems today or tomorrow to divorce. ”

Mr MASKEY is a "jerk", are also the will of the Emperor, as an entrepreneur, he has been expressing his personal feelings, so, there is a lot of jokes is not a joke:

1. and his first wife divorced, Mr MASKEY quickly recognized at the age of 22 United Kingdom actress Talulah Riley, and heats up quickly. Know the next day, after omitting 800 words of plot developments, both in a secluded spot, Mr MASKEY said: "I want to show you my rocket."

Upon hearing the sentence, from the United Kingdom conservative family of 22 year old girl Riley was stunned, pale blush, buried his head on his chest. Elon was graciously pulled out a cell phone, showed her a video of the SpaceX rockets.

From Thomas g biography, known from user Wu bin sorting.

2. in 2010, the "Dragon" landed spacecraft for the first time to complete the task successfully, SpaceX company opened its carrying a label says "highly confidential" box, which turned out to be a big piece of cheese.

Mr MASKEY said, it is in the United States pay tribute to the famous comedian mengti·paisen.

3. in 2012, SpaceX a $ 440 million for continuing to develop and test the second generation manned "Dragon" ships. This time, musk left large groups of competitors Boeing and Sierra Nevada Corporation. Musk felt victory no doubt, he said, "is nothing more than a placeholder for the Sierra Nevada. Boeing? HA HA. "

4. in an interview, the China Entrepreneur magazine quoted President of BYD, Wang chuanfu's famous words, "household consumption when activated, minutes can make a Tesla, BYD" musk after listening to act confused looks, "he said his minutes will make Tesla? Well, I don't think the company is our competitor. ”

5. last September, Mr MASKEY flew to Berlin, and the cooperation of local governments to discuss the future of electric, and accepted the Germany business daily site visits.

Business: Apple has just poached from Tesla several important engineer, you will worry the new opponent?

Musk: important engineers? They are things we do not stock. We always say that Apple is "the graveyard", Tesla was not going to survive you will only go to Apple (dead).

Business daily: what do you think of Apple, seriously?

Musk: did you watch the Apple Watch? HA HA HA ... ...

6. Chris Anderson has had a visit to musk, speaking of Tesla in the engines, avionics and launch operations to technical innovation, Anderson surprised, why didn't Mr MASKEY patenting these innovations.

Musk: "No, we do not apply. Since our primary competitors are national Governments, the implementation of the patent are not reliable. ”

However, for such a super confident technology junkie, musk has 5 thing he is afraid of something, some people even think the unthinkable.

1. artificial intelligence

Although very bullish on unmanned and applies it on Tesla, musk to more advanced artificial intelligence has always been very wary. His reasons were, "(the machine) once it enters recursive self-improvement ... ... Plus it features there is against human nature element is present, it will cause very serious consequences. If (function) is to eliminate spam, it will find the best way to eliminate spam is the eradication of mankind...... "

2. failure

2013 at a Summit, Ireland summary Thomas g rocket, Prime Minister four times before I said to support young people to pursue their dreams, encouraging them to start, because Silicon Valley is not afraid of difficulties.

"I'm afraid of failure, of course," Mr MASKEY stood out immediately hit the Prime Minister's face, "(fourth time) I'm too nervous, and that its success would not get me excited--the pressure is gone, only this. ”

3. Larry page

The Google co-founder, Alphabet now company CEO is Mr MASKEY a friend, Google has to invest $ 1 billion in SpaceX. However, Mr MASKEY said friends without reservations, "I'm really worried he might inadvertently create evil things. ”

Paige is like musk, he said in an interview with TED, "I would rather Yilong·masike the billions of his fortune to the capitalists or donated to charity. , "Page said, many people feel that large companies are evil, but it is they that are changing the world.

Netizens agree with Paige said, "I think Paige is right, giving ordinary people a ship, he must sell to buy fish if the capitalists, he can drive a spaceship to a planet full of fish. ”

4. vacation

From Thomas g biography, from his near-death experience, in 2000 from Brazil and my hometown South Africa came back and infected with malaria. "That is the lesson I get from vacation: holiday will let you die. ”

So, perhaps this is one reason why he become a workaholic.

5. flying cars

Musk's main worry is: flying cars from the ... ... Day ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... Hit ... ... Die ... ... People ... ...

But if I want to do the flight vehicles that musk 1/100 of executive power, this would be a problem.

May be the only way a genius mix and extreme personality who can transcend time limits to human progress, just today, SpaceX Falcon rocket success again at sea with no one on board the landing. My colleague, Zhu Xudong says, "only after the launch was not successful will become news. "You see, meet people like musk, my colleagues have inadvertently become a joke.

伊隆·马斯克:亿万富翁段子手 - 马斯克,特斯拉,SpaceX - IT资讯




1.和第一任妻子离婚后,马斯克很快认识了当时22岁的英国女演员Talulah Riley,并迅速打得火热。认识第二天,经过略去八百字的情节发展后,两人在僻静处,马斯克突然说了句:“I want to show you my rocket.”



2. 2010年,“龙”飞船第一次完成任务成功着陆后,SpaceX公司打开了其搭载的一个标写着“高度机密”的盒子,里面原来是一大块奶酪。


3. 2012年,SpaceX获得4.4亿美元用于继续研制和测试第二代载人“龙”飞船。这一次,马斯克的竞争对手只剩下大集团波音公司和内华达山脉公司。马斯克毫无疑问觉得自己胜券在握,他说:“内华达山脉只不过是一个占位符。波音?呵呵”。






马斯克:你看了Apple Watch吗?哈哈哈……

6. 克里斯·安德森曾对马斯克进行过一次访问,谈到特斯拉在引擎、电子设备和发射操作技术上的创新,安德森奇怪,为什么马斯克不把这些创新申请专利。



















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