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published in(发表于) 2016/5/7 5:52:27 Edit(编辑)
Japan after the earthquake, the bear reappearance of Kumamoto,

Japan after the earthquake, the bear reappearance of Kumamoto,(日本地震过后,熊本熊重出江湖,)



Japan after the earthquake, Kumamoto, Kumamoto bear reappearance-bear, Japan earthquake-IT information

On May 6, 16th, Japan 7.3-magnitude earthquake in Kumamoto, a depth of about 12 km, buildings and roads were badly damaged, the quake also caused people all over the world on Japan's attention. Then netizens found in Japan Kumamoto earthquake in the South, as the mascot of Kumamoto, the bears lost . Social media users have expressed concerned about the safety of the Kumamoto bear, causing network buzz.

Recently, Japan Kumamoto mascot "Kumamoto bear" reappearance. It turned out that on May 5 each year is Japan's children's day. On that day, "Kumamoto bear" in the village of nishihara, Kumamoto and children play together and children very happy. It is reported that prior to Japan after the earthquake, "Kumamoto bear" initiative to suspend the participating programmes and advocacy activities, social networks also stopped updating, so netizens raised concerns.

According to public information, Xiong Benxiong (Japanese: くまモン, English: Kumamon), MA MoE is the official translation, is Japan Kumamoto official cute 2011 Japan mascot first place in the poll, was named Japan's most famous bear. Until September 29, 2011 to serve as Governor of temporary staff, September 30, 2011 as Minister of Kumamoto Sales Office (this is second only to the Governor of Governor, Deputy Governor of the third most important post, par with Kumamoto propaganda Minister) and Minister for happiness, is Japan's first mascot for the civil service.

Japan Kumamoto District following a news, Kumamoto bear derivatives up to 100.7 billion yen in sales in 2015, over 1.5 times.

日本地震过后,熊本熊重出江湖 - 熊本熊,日本地震 - IT资讯





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