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published in(发表于) 2016/5/7 5:51:51 Edit(编辑)
Anchor four bail exposed underwear, saying that secretly to the audience,

Anchor four bail exposed underwear, saying that secretly to the audience,(女主播四次解扣露内衣,称偷偷给观众看,)



Anchor four bail exposed underwear, secretly to the audience-host, network live-IT information

In recent days, a female anchor in broadcast four times to unlock buttons show underwear and breasts, and teasing the audience in a variety of sexually suggestive language. Broadcast live on major broadcast platform in the near future strike containing pornographic or sexually suggestive content environment, will anchor in order to blog attention or present upper air and committing abuse.

User screenshots show, asked the audience in the Studio on the day of the woman "clothes inside the drum is a drum", the anchorwoman repeated his question and respond directly to "show you what" buttons will immediately unlock the chest revealing lingerie and chest, then back again. But seems to be a "bare" does not satisfy the audience, the audience again pressed, unsnap the anchorwoman and again, along with a "clothes are rabbits" such provocative language. Obviously there are audiences still refused to give up, and asking more questions, and the anchorwoman to "I without a bulging underneath" language is the answer.

In addition to the four buttons exposed underwear solutions and chest, as well as a variety of provocative language, the anchorwoman then wear short shorts also performed a provocative dance sexy.

With the rise of broadcasting platforms, anchor of various news and styles, many woman hesitate to use all means to attract more attention, which led to chaos in Diego. Recent relevant State departments began to gradually introduce provisions to combat female anchor on the broadcast of sexually suggestive content, purifying the live Web environment.

But this still does not prevent individual wants against crime or walking. Thus appears the "watching time" anchorwoman and ban after the game.

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女主播四次解扣露内衣,称偷偷给观众看 - 主播,网络直播 - IT资讯









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