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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:56:30 Edit(编辑)
United States for ZTE, Samsung, Sony and other companies launched patent infringement investigation of electronic equipment,

United States for ZTE, Samsung, Sony and other companies launched patent infringement investigation of electronic equipment,(美国对中兴、三星、索尼等多国企业电子设备发起专利侵权调查,)



United States for ZTE, Samsung, Sony and other companies launched patent infringement investigation of electronic equipment-patent infringement, patent, Samsung, ZTE-IT information

IT information news on May 6, with the increasing trade between the two countries, Sino-US intellectual property disputes are on the rise in recent years. United States International Trade Commission announced on 5th, ZTE and Lenovo, Sony, Samsung and many other part of the world's leading electronics companies in the US sales of portable electronic devices "section 337 investigation" to determine whether they have committed patent infringement.

It is reported that "section 337 investigation" takes its name from the 1930 United States Article No. 337 of the tariff Act, according to which, United States International Trade Commission empowered to investigate complaints of patent and trademark infringement, involving misappropriation of trade secrets, product packaging available for infringement, counterfeiting and false advertising and other content of the survey. "Section 337 investigation" survey includes not only foreign companies, can also involve United States local companies.

Singapore creative technology limited and its United States Branch March 24 complaints, accusing United States imports and United States market sales of the portable electronic device products violated the company's patent, United States International Trade Commission issued a limited exclusion order or a prohibition order. Products are involved, including smart phones, can play user-portable electronic device for storing media files, respondents including ZTE, Lenovo, Sony, Samsung, LG, HTC, BlackBerry, Motorola.

美国对中兴、三星、索尼等多国企业电子设备发起专利侵权调查 - 专利侵权,专利,三星,中兴 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月6日消息,随着中美之间贸易往来增多,近些年中美之间知识产权方面的纠纷也在增多。美国国际贸易委员会5日宣布,对中兴、联想、索尼、三星等多家全球知名电子企业在美销售的部分便携式电子设备产品发起“337调查”,以确定它们是否存在专利侵权行为。



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