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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:55:32 Edit(编辑)
Rely on DNA reshaping technology: Leonardo da Vinci’s true will be perfectly restored,

Rely on DNA reshaping technology: Leonardo da Vinci’s true will be perfectly restored,(依靠DNA重塑技术:达芬奇真容将被完美还原,)



Rely on DNA reshaping technology: Leonardo da Vinci restore-true would be the perfect DNA, Leonardo da Vinci-IT information

IT information news on May 6, Italy art Giants Leonardo da Vinci in the human heart is great and mysterious characters, hundreds of years, people crave from his work and historical accounts about him and now have descriptions of reconstruction experts said DNA will be used to heal da Vinci′s appearance.

Scientists have suggested that people can contact with Leonardo da Vinci′s paintings, drawings and notes extracted his DNA in order to reshape the face of Leonardo da Vinci. International team of scientists and historians said they want from hundreds of years ago, Leonardo da Vinci contact items, extracts its fingerprints, skin and even hair gene, with the now-molecular analysis technology and restore his appearance.

Scientists believe that the most advanced technology to eye color, hair color, facial details such as skin tone and face shape remodeling, also want to know the da Vinci health, diet, personal habits, and family history. Experts hope that appearance remodeling works completed in 2019, to commemorate the 500-year anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.

It was reported that in order to get more samples, the research team prepared to apply to the local Government of Florence, scanning is now being repaired in the journey of the painting of the three sages (the Adoration of the Magi).

依靠DNA重塑技术:达芬奇真容将被完美还原 - DNA,达芬奇 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月6日消息,意大利艺术巨人达·芬奇在人类心中是神秘而伟大的人物,几百年来人们渴望从他的作品和历史记述中了解他,而现在有专家表示将使用DNA重塑记述来复原达芬奇的外貌。



据报道,为得到更多样本,研究团队准备向佛罗伦萨地方政府申请,扫描现正在维修中的名画《三圣贤之旅》(Adoration of the Magi)。

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