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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:53:18 Edit(编辑)
Credit card is fraudulent 12,000 yuan, “prospective son-in-law“ reported the Fearless Hyena,

Credit card is fraudulent 12,000 yuan, “prospective son-in-law“ reported the Fearless Hyena,(信用卡被盗刷1.2万元,“准女婿”报案自导自演,)



Credit card is fraudulent 12,000 yuan, "prospective son-in-law" reported the Fearless Hyena-credit card-IT information

Super million credit card is fraudulent, people didn′t think of is, the suspect turned out to be his "son-in-law". The day before yesterday, da ye Hu took it from police in the recovery of more than 12,000 yuan, said excitedly: "thank you so much, I blame my daughter and I didn′t taste, looking for such a person to rely on. ”

Credit cards stolen twice brush Super million

Earlier this year, her daughter returned with new boyfriend, uncle to see his honest honest, stable work, heart happy. This "prospective son-in-law" Luo has often buy some tea, cigarettes and other POPs to Hu, get along very well.

However, on April 24, uncle Hu queries credit card account and found a problem. More to his surprise, is that the mobile phone SIM card was also secretly replaced. So he immediately went to the Bank to check the detail found in nearly a week, his credit card was stolen twice brush (4968, second 7120 Yuan for the first time).

Hu ye was going to the police, Mr a, hurriedly said to accompany.

Hide, aroused police suspicion

Dadukou District Public Security Bureau economic investigation team, ROM performance than Uncle Hu also excited, uncle offered to brief, but his uncle but chose to conceal the phone SIM was changed, a Hu ye sure wrong.

When the police when looking at the uncles cell phone card, Lian Hu ye himself was shocked, before replacing the old SIM card back. Police judge, and his daughter′s boyfriend r a must have "problems".

Online shopping record locking suspects

Police investigation found that Luo, in April bought an iPhone, 4968 Yuan worth, and that′s what Grandpa Hu card was stolen the first time the amount of brush. Eventually, Luo Uncle an account change SIM cards, the fact that stolen credit cards. Yesterday, he was detained by the police.

Police warned that many credit cards now reserved in the Bank′s phone number to bind networks pay once the theft of credit cards and cell phones at the same time, the suspect can make online payment by way of sending the verification code. So, once the bank cards, mobile phones, identity cards and stolen, to be the first time the freezing of accounts.

信用卡被盗刷1.2万元,“准女婿”报案自导自演 - 信用卡 - IT资讯












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