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published in(发表于) 2016/5/5 6:07:36 Edit(编辑)
Solar energy will be cheaper energy of the Earth, but...,

Solar energy will be cheaper energy of the Earth, but...,(太阳能将是地球最便宜能源,然而…,)



Solar energy will be cheaper energy of the Earth, but ...-IT-solar energy information

According to the United States by Bloomberg News reported on May 4, has long applied physics and Professor of public policy at Harvard University Keith (David Keith) on the cost competitiveness of solar energy compared to traditional sources of energy are always skeptical attitude. But now he saw the light. Professor Keith says he was wrong, because the fundamental conditions for solar power have changed. Reports that his changes reflected solar power costs fell sharply.

Keith believes that even without government subsidies, large solar power plants in some areas, the cost has fallen to less than 40 dollars per megawatt, and by 2020 is expected to fall to below $ 20, solar energy would be a cheaper source of energy on Earth.

However, the case also said that low costs does not solve the problem of the absence of sunlight the solar panel will not power. In certain areas, such as the United States, such as New England, Northern Europe, solar power is not appropriate. But for sunny areas, and solar energy will be able to change the electricity market.

Keith said, created the market clearly is based on Government subsidies, but also drives the industry supply chain innovation.

太阳能将是地球最便宜能源,然而… - 太阳能 - IT资讯

据美国彭博社5月4日报道,长久以来,哈佛大学应用物理和公共政策教授凯斯(David Keith)对太阳能相较于传统能源的成本竞争力始终抱持怀疑态度。但他现在看到曙光。凯斯教授称,他错了,因为太阳能电力的基本条件已经改变。报道指出,他的改观反映太阳能发电成本大幅下降。




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