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published in(发表于) 2016/5/5 6:05:10 Edit(编辑)
Did you have youth today? ,

Did you have youth today? ,(今天你过青年节了吗?,)



Did you have youth today? -Youth day and youth day-IT information

According to voice of the news reports of the evening rush hour, the youth day, are exclusively owned by the China Youth Festival, but nowadays, few young people known as section. Compared to Valentine's day, Christmas day, youth day looks a bit ignored by young people. The reason, the young man said, "no other Festival features", "circle ever festival atmosphere", "national school-aged crowd taking half a day off, but most of the units are not a holiday." Youth day, did you the feast today? Do you have a festival atmosphere? Youth day and youth in greater depth?

Users view:

Twitter users "Fan Guniang grew up fast": never before heard youth day there. We are all normal classes, go to work.

Twitter users "ashun refueling": only in the junior high school, can I feel this holiday, this day will be a group of individuals, after all, applied to join the Communist Youth League of China, joined the Communist Youth League was an honor, but also an incentive, was sworn in at the ceremony wore mission insignia that is a point of pride. We are the flowers of May, embrace the era of youth; we are the rising of the Sun, the life in the future.

Survey results:

More than 70% one think, ever known habit, this day, around the holiday atmosphere is very bland.

Twitter user @ ruler long: think about is chilling, I would get another opportunity for a Youth Festival, wish to be a holiday too! Graduated from College began, love, marriage, mortgage, title, salary, makes me short of breath.

Twitter user @ carrier wind: boss used the phrase "happy holidays to you all" no below. In business, these festive atmosphere to form, youth day, just listen to it.

Twitter user Godlovelama: junior high school University atmosphere, to work no more, half a day off is difficult to achieve.

But there are 30% of netizens said that their schools, units will organize some activities, and can be integrated into it.

Twitter user @ Maozozo: school is the place where young people set up. My University, there are a lot of clubs would have some Festival shows, events, attracting young students ' ideas and make them participate.

Twitter user @ fat does not become round again: the atmosphere is the chorus of our youth ... Necessary each year. Really fun!

Twitter user @ sanshoujun paper cutter: youth day that belongs to us, I hope we can win the recognition and respect of society, perhaps more than half day off for some!

Recommended reading: the United Nations officer micro reaffirms "youth": you are meat or uncle? 》

今天你过青年节了吗? - 五四青年节,青年节 - IT资讯











微博网友@ Maozozo:学校是青年人集中最多的地方。我所在的大学,有很多社团会搞一些应节的节目,活动,吸引青年学生的主意,使其参加进来。




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