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Wuhan market recovery of dead shrimp shrimp processing: just “brain death“,

Wuhan market recovery of dead shrimp shrimp processing: just “brain death“,(武汉一市场回收死虾做虾仁,加工点:只是“脑死亡”,)



Wuhan market recovery of dead shrimp shrimp processing: just "brain dead"-shrimp, food safety-IT information

Recently, the Wuhan people to reflect, he went to Wuhan Baishazhou large agricultural and sideline products aquaculture market area when you buy lobster found specialized recycling dead shrimp on the market, I do not know for what purpose. Two days in a row, the press dunshou found in the market, was actually in a market centralized recovery of dead shrimp, then packing-shipping. In order to find out which dead shrimp, journalists tracking a goods vehicle carrying dead shrimp, xiantao found dead shrimp were shipped to "Grandma's House" of food-processing plants.

Report: somebody in the market buying dead shrimp shipped

? White sand inside the market, workers dying shrimp onto the truck.

He is 32 years old, is a restaurant owner in Hankou. Every morning, he would go to the white sand of farm and sideline products wholesale market of aquatic products, raw materials back to the shop. Recently, when his purchase, he found, was administered on-die market shrimp. After they recovered dead shrimp at a low price, in a plastic box checked out of the market. It made him wonder: why do people with costly effort your dead shrimp?

"Should not be directly away. "What's analysis, if it is a direct throw, no one will pay money to collect, does not neatly fit into the box, arrange the delivery. He said he knew someone dead shrimp as food raw materials used in the industry, through a special sauce made fresh shrimp flavor. He had heard that barbecue boss dead shrimp and shrimp blended together through a lot of dressing to cover up the smell of dead shrimp.

"If this is the case it is too wicked. "He said, live shrimp price is dead shrimp prices more than 10 times, restaurant owner not ruled out shoddy work for profit. But dead shrimp eaten is harmful to health, in his view, money to the bottom line, dead shrimp were served at the table should not be tolerated.

Reporter visits: there are three stalls specifically to buy dead shrimp

On April 16, the reporter went to the white sand of agricultural and sideline products markets aquaculture area. Wholesaler Chen introduces dealers recover shrimp from shrimp, he and other wholesalers will ask for live shrimp are classified into 3 categories according to the size: a small, more than 10 Yuan a kilo; a slightly larger, more than 30 yuan a kilo; bigger, more than 50 Yuan a kilo.

Due to long distance transport, extrusion and other reasons, the shrimps were picking out, leaving a number of dead shrimp. So, these dead shrimp how to deal with it? Reporter note to, Chen Mr zainei of wholesalers are will on died shrimp for II times sorting, head big of, and shrimp tail has elastic of, will quickly removed shrimp head, to 20 Yuan a pounds of price put shrimp tail sold restaurant boss do shrimp ball; a small of, or died have time more long, shrimp shell some deformation, and rotten off of, is will separate put into another basin in.

When a reporter to a woman wholesaler suggested that wanted to buy something deformation or rotting dead shrimp back when making grilled ingredients, they declined, she said that the business of conscience, fresh shrimp you can eat food, but this dead shrimp are inedible.

This "inedible" dead shrimp will do? The visit, the number of wholesalers said choose not die shrimp will not be wasted, there is someone to buy, price per kg ranging from 2 to 3 Yuan. The use of these dead shrimp, their claim is "to feed".

That afternoon, reporters at the Baishazhou aquatic areas of agricultural and sideline products market, has discovered three centralized recovery of dead shrimp stall. A truck, a scale, several staff members, these stalls is "standard".

Track: dead shrimp were shipped into a food processing plant

▲ After sorting, the shrimp are cooked and cooked in the factory, workers water cooling.

On April 17, the journalists selected the white sandbar trading agricultural and sideline products markets aquaculture zone of a stall in area a, squat down to observe. At 9 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, stop someone with a dead shrimp to weigh in here, to sell it at the price of 3 Yuan per Jin stalls. Hold on several men collected dead shrimp were piled up in a plastic box, until the case of the plastic box is full.

Reporters noted, is also a plastic box to load, but dead shrimp were piled with shrimp are completely different. In General, when the live shrimp into a plastic box, often a layer of shrimp and then covered with a layer of ice, outer layer of the box not too full, and outer foam box there. Which dead shrimp were piled in plastic boxes, without any fresh.

At 9 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, due to some dead shrimp were placed for a long time, piling up points give a stench, attracting many flies. 3:30 P.M. about staff into plastic bins filled with dead shrimp sprinkled with some ice and cut the Sub, and then moved into the tail number "Q93" vehicles.

3:20 P.M., tail number "Q93" trucks starting from the Baishazhou large market, reporters followed, goods vehicles out of the city by Han-yi after high-speed train to peaches, pulled out of the high speed along Xian Jian road in the Guo River town. 5:19 P.M., van suddenly stopped at the gate of a shop installed a water faucet. Opens the car after driver, car shrimp inside the plastic box faucet from water spray.

Nearby a shop owner told Xinhua, it is to cool the car shrimp to prevent stink. He also said that every day there are many car transport from Wuhan to shrimp, was taken to a nearby company called "Grandma's House" of food-processing plants as raw material for production of shrimp.

10 minutes later, the trucks set off again, after a few minutes, goods vehicle entered a hung "Hubei Grandma's foods limited" sign factory.

Manufacturer claims that "brain death" shrimps as raw materials

? Peach head of the food and drug administration and quarantine checks in the factory.

Reporters looked at xiantao city, immediately to the food and Drug Administration reflects this. , At 6 o'clock in the afternoon in the town of xiantao city Guo CAI, Director, food and drug, led by reporters into Grandma's foods limited plant in Hubei Province, saw the tail number "Q93" vehicles. At this point, the van under the shrimp has been empty, empty plastic boxes stacked together.

Empty plastic boxes are not far away, people were working on a pipeline sort crayfish. One side of the line, two plastic containers filled with rotting, deformation of small lobsters and other debris. The other side, three plastic boxes containing smaller, body full of crawfish. A worker told reporters that sort of larger lobsters have been sent to the processing zone, the three cases will be used to make shrimp than a lobster tail. Not for a while, factory Director Xiong rushed to the scene, said the three boxes of crawfish will be made into feed sold not as a food ingredient.

Subsequently, the reporters came to the factory together with CAI, Director of the district, the worker will be sorted after the crayfish into a cooking machine, and soon, it came out red cooked shrimp. Next to the cooking, stocked with hundreds of boxes of cooked crawfish, placed in different positions according to the size. A worker said the shrimp was used to make food, next to the words didn't finish was more than blocking, Xiong said the shrimp is also used as feed.

Soon, Liu, head of the company, xiantao city, head of the food and drug administration and quarantine two also arrived on the scene. And Quarantine Bureau official Liu asked if this batch of shrimp when there is a purchase document, Liu replied No.

According to Liu introduced, tail number "Q93" brought in about 4000 pounds of shrimp, one-third is in line with the standard shrimp with shrimp, the rest is made of shrimp feed, sold on a per-pound price of 6 cents to Turtle farmers. Cook the shrimp in order to prevent spoilage, when cooked, they will again sort, sorting out the shrimp, as raw material for production of shrimp. Liu said the plant is mainly engaged in shrimp exports. If failed, pass the domestic standard, but also international standards.

When a reporter suggested that these shrimp were markets don't, 90% when you are dead. The official said some shrimps are alive, some shrimp are "brain dead" seems dead, muscle flexibility, can be used as raw material.

Project leader: no raw materials purchase check record commits an offence

Dead shrimp can be used as a food ingredient, please? Xiantao city, food and drug administration and quarantine officials said, the manufacturer said that shrimp are cooked to further sort, in other words, this batch of shrimp is not a food raw material, they well tests.

Hubei Province food and drug administration related to food production and supervision Department staff, in accordance with the provisions of the law on food safety, food business enterprise shall perform validation, testing and other procedures for procurement of raw materials, deterioration of purchasing materials as raw materials are not allowed. Enterprises should establish food raw materials purchase check record system to faithfully record the name of the food, specifications, quantity, purchase date, and supplier names and other content, and save the voucher.

The staff said, in the existing laws and regulations, not depending on the animal's death to determine whether as a raw material, but according to whether it is corrupt to judge whether it can be used as a raw material. Crayfish as long as there is no spoilage, it can be used as raw materials for food processing enterprises. If the public found Enterprise procurement spoilage in food ingredients processing, can be reported to the food and drug administration.

Entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Hubei province said the Bureau is mainly responsible for the inspection of food in the import/export link, purchase shrimp source is domestic, not part of their scope of management.

Office of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of aquatic products quality safety management officials say their management before the first sales of aquatic products quality, aquatic product processing into commercial products, again when sales are outside their scope of management. In General, the shrimp for export, must have the export quality of origin.

Doctors advise: dead shrimp were very perishable

Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University Medical Director Shi Xianyan introduced crayfish and crabs have a high protein content, corruption quickly after death, very perishable. Shrimp and crab in vivo protein contains a lot of Histidine, the death of Histidine into histamine are toxic substances, is cooked it is difficult to eliminate, it will cause human allergies and adverse reactions may cause acute gastroenteritis.

Secondly, crayfish and crabs die of corruption decomposes bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum are likely to grow, can also cause acute gastroenteritis. Add shrimp and crab are benthic, usually feed on microorganisms, already prone to contamination, it is recommended that people try to eat fresh shrimp, do not eat dead shrimp and crab.

武汉一市场回收死虾做虾仁,加工点:只是“脑死亡” - 虾仁,食品安全 - IT资讯






































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