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published in(发表于) 2016/5/3 5:48:36 Edit(编辑)
Huawei glory products Vice President Wu Dezhou joined hammer technologies

Huawei glory products Vice President Wu Dezhou joined hammer technologies(传华为荣耀产品副总裁吴德周加盟锤子科技,)



Huawei Vice President Wu Dezhou joined hammer technologies-Wu Dezhou glory products, Hammer technology-IT information

May 3 morning news, Huawei first generation research backbone, Huawei Vice President Wu Dezhou recently announced its glory glory products, home is rumored to hammer technology.

Wu Dezhou 2001 joined the company after graduating from University. Started in 2004 to join Huawei Beijing Research Institute research and development cell phones, became the first of the "Huawei mobile". Wu Dezhou and his team built the first Huawei phone U626, Huawei's first slider V810, Huawei's first touchscreen mobile U7510, Huawei's first intelligent machine U7520, Huawei, the first United States carrier t-mobile customized mobile U7519, first generation U8860 of glory, the first Windows Phone W1, and so on.

Since then, Wu Dezhou glory as Huawei product line manager, the team developed a 3 c glory glory, glory 3X, 4X, 6, glory glory glory and 6 plus 7, Huawei's glorious head of product research and development.

Wu Dezhou did not publicly disclose the home, only saying: "my mobile phone for 12 years, 12 of the world cell phone time changes, from features to smart machines, back to more ' intelligent ' device Giants are disappearing one by one, the continuous rising of a star, development of science and technology has allowed the rapid development of China and the world is all brand new. Next what is epoch-making product? Who are the next winner? I would like to start again, to daydream, to participate. ”

But Mobile Insider, Wu Dezhou home to hammer technology.

Hammer technology, Wu De week most likely served as Vice President of product, however specific product line remains to be seen. This year, Hammer technology gradually ushered in a number of Deputy President, apart from Twitter Vice President of poached Miao Ying as Vice President of marketing, Hammer technology also from a supply chain manufacturers in Shenzhen into a Vice.

传华为荣耀产品副总裁吴德周加盟锤子科技 - 吴德周,锤子科技 - IT资讯


吴德周2001年大学毕业后加入华为。2004年开始加入华为北京研究所研发手机,成为第一代“华为手机人”。吴德周和其团队共同打造了第一款华为手机U626,华为第一款滑盖机V810,华为第一款触摸屏手机U7510,华为第一款类智能机U7520,华为第一款美国运营商T-Mobile定制手机U7519,第一代荣耀手机U8860,第一款Windows Phone W1等。

此后,吴德周出任华为荣耀产品线总经理,率队研发了荣耀3C、荣耀3X、荣耀4X、荣耀6、荣耀6 plus和荣耀7等,是华为荣耀产品的实际研发负责人。




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