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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:21:54 Edit(编辑)
Buxiaolong neural processing engine SDK made by Qualcomm, the mobile version of “Alfa Laval dog“ coming? ,

Buxiaolong neural processing engine SDK made by Qualcomm, the mobile version of “Alfa Laval dog“ coming? ,(高通发布骁龙神经处理引擎SDK,手机版“阿法狗”要来?,)



Buxiaolong neural processing engine SDK made by Qualcomm, the mobile version of "Alfa Laval dog" coming? -Xiao long 820, artificial intelligence, information on SDK-IT

IT information news on May 2, Qualcomm has been delving into the field of artificial intelligence, and Qualcomm recently released Xiao long neural processing engine software development kit (Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine software development kit), attack Horn blew to the artificial intelligence.

Qualcomm has been committed to the "Silicon brains (Silicon brains)" into mobile devices to enable smart phones to character, attitude and even emotional identification. At present, the development tools only Yu Xiaolong 820, this meaning that Samsung S7/Edge, LG G5, HTC 10 international editions, Le Max Pro, Sony Xperia Performance, millet 5 and Vivo Xplay5 cell phones is expected to increase the depth of learning-related features in the future, the mobile version of "afagou (AlaphGo)" not far behind.

Xiao long 820 Zeroth neural processing engine built in, to classify photographs taken automatically based on user, such as identify in-kind and automobile images, are stored in two different folders and easier for users to better manage photographs taken, and SDK Toolkit is based on this engine.

As early as 2013, Qualcomm demonstrated a robot built Zeroth chip, it can accept outside messages and learn to choose the correct route. Qualcomm's SDK can be applied in the field of security, surveillance camera will identify and track crime in progress, can also be used for autonomous vehicles, drones and robots, and other fields.

IT information encyclopedia

Zeroth: ['Z ? ? ? r θ],zero adjective form, meaning "zero" Qualcomm intelligent learning platform for the name a pun on both platforms from scratch, is still in the primary, and infinity to zero means that the platform has great potential, unlimited.

高通发布骁龙神经处理引擎SDK,手机版“阿法狗”要来? - 骁龙820,人工智能,SDK - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月2日消息,高通对人工智能领域一直有所钻研,最近高通发布了骁龙神经处理引擎软件开发工具包(Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine software development kit),吹响了向人工智能的进攻号角。

高通一直致力于将“硅脑(silicon brains)”放入移动设备来实现智能手机对人物、姿态甚至是情绪的识别。目前该开发工具仅适用于骁龙820,这就意味者三星S7/Edge、LG G5、HTC 10国际版、乐Max Pro、索尼Xperia Performance、小米5和Vivo Xplay5等手机将来有望增加深度学习的相关功能,手机版“阿法狗(AlaphGo)”的到来为时不远。




Zeroth: ['zɪərəθ],zero的形容词形式,意为“零的”,高通为其智能学习平台取此名一语双关,既代表平台从零起步,尚处初级,又以零的无限性意指该平台潜力巨大,不可限量。

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