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published in(发表于) 2016/5/1 8:24:27 Edit(编辑)
Today, offsite, 16 provinces and cities across the province to pay traffic fines

Today, offsite, 16 provinces and cities across the province to pay traffic fines(今起,16省市可跨省异地缴纳交通罚款,)



Today, 16 provinces and cities across the province, pay traffic fines-traffic fines in different places-IT information

Today, across the province, pay traffic violation fines in different places further to the 16 pilot provinces. National drivers in Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Heilongjiang and other traffic violations in 16 provinces all provinces pay the fine specified in the collecting bank.

Authorities wide nets, it was reported, on July 1 last year, Hebei, Anhui, Shandong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan 6 province became the first cross-province long-distance pilot provinces pay traffic violation fines. Starting from May 1 this year, has added ten pilot provinces and cities nationwide, namely, Beijing, Shanxi, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan, Chongqing and Shaanxi. This means that starting from this year, driver among the 16 provinces nationwide traffic violations across provinces in the traffic specified by the collecting bank to pay the fine.

However, not all cross-province traffic offence can be in different places to pay traffic fines, need to meet two conditions: first, the punished drivers must be different drivers, which penalized driver's license held by the issuing authority and make the decision authority is not the same provinces.

Secondly, it must be issued by police enforcement fines does not apply to electronics, monitoring illegal records and paste on the illegal parking of vehicles the police informed. Informally, fine is civilian police drove, and let the pilot confirmed on the spot, was seized by traffic violations.

After the driver got a ticket, after returning to the local, can only make the punishment decision designated by the public security traffic management agent banks, or agent bank online banking, mobile banking and self-service terminals to pay.

今起,16省市可跨省异地缴纳交通罚款 - 交通罚款 - IT资讯






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