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published in(发表于) 2016/5/1 8:23:55 Edit(编辑)
Pregnant women cover kid was caught stealing mobile phones, the mother-daughter relationship is identified

Pregnant women cover kid was caught stealing mobile phones, the mother-daughter relationship is identified(孕妇掩护小孩偷手机被抓,母女关系正鉴定,)



Pregnant women cover kid was caught stealing mobile phones, the mother-daughter relationship is now identify-theft-IT information

Stealing is a crime in itself, but that adults with children to steal, is not only illegal but also really wicked, there was a woman with a five year old little girl committing stealing mobile phones.

CLERK: "a pull drawer, find our phone are gone, he let that woman get, we block her. ”

Stopped by a clerk is a mother and daughter, yesterday they appear in xianyang city square of rejuvenating a clothing store, adult cover, the little girl into the cash register, stole three staff three phone, thanks to the worker found in a timely manner.

CLERK: "found two mobile phones here, there is a mobile phone in the hands of little girls. ”

Recovered the cell phone, clothing store employees put women and his little girl along to the Security Office, received a report of police arrived, woman and little girl stealing cell phones back to survey. But when the female suspect for questioning by the police, she claimed to be the little girl's mother, but to steal the phone did not cooperate with the thing .

Pregnant women: "I looked at the clothes, they said my children took their cell phones. ”

Police: "didn't take facts to others cell phone? Facts not come? ”

Pregnant women: "well, I don't know. ”

After a detailed investigation of the police, and eventually implementing their guilt.

Police: "from three of the children were found on the phone on the spot, do store clerk was stolen three cell phones. ”

Identified suspects Iraq is Hunan DAO people, crime was implemented, but thinks she is pregnant, but let her voluntarily.

Police: "according to the law we to bail her, after she had been breastfeeding during pregnancy, we will continue to deal with her. ”

Suspect claims to be a child is his daughter, but there is no direct evidence to prove that police deprived women of custody for the time being, the little girl is taken over by the police, and other DNA testing after the end of, then dealt with separately.

孕妇掩护小孩偷手机被抓,母女关系正鉴定 - 盗窃 - IT资讯














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