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published in(发表于) 2016/5/1 8:23:23 Edit(编辑)
Holiday dating tutorial: you chase girls, man, doomed chance,

Holiday dating tutorial: you chase girls, man, doomed chance,(假期约会教程:你这样追妹子、汉子,注定没戏,)



Holiday dating tutorial: you chase girls, man, doomed chance dating-love-IT information

Dating for beginners for brothers, a problem always also don't understand is, why do I like the girl, so nice to her, what requirements are agreed, she don't like me, even to me?

Girls did wrong?

Girl good itself and there's nothing wrong, wrong is your good there is no bottom line, no request for girls.

A lot of people liked a girl, especially after the sister as her true destiny, blind to the girl, even a girl to her poor attitude, which is what we often say "kneeling licking."

Kneeling licking this "great and selfless" devotion in the girl is actually "harbour ill intent" I told you so horrible you flatter me, not what another attempt?

If this process in the you can performance of polite, is has gentleman grace, completely no needs sense, that girl may also will think you is good of, after all you on she so good, development about relationship also not not can, however many when, on sister kneeling licking of people is didn't approach control himself of needs sense of, often will on sister a face wretched even Bull, then, sister natural on think you is to and she bed only on she good.

Kneeling licking is actually worth a drop behavior because he actively becomes a completely equal relationship game dominated by girls.

In this game, you can get there girls decided, while the girls ask you to meet all, or it is likely to lose the girl to you only that "goodwill".

Many will kneel and lick to pursue girls, not the way they were born so "nasty", but our generation is the lack of love education, your parents won't tell you, because their generation is a matchmaker, your friends can't tell you, because they are chasing girls summed up "the girls".

Emotional bloggers love secret code on the network are not, their so-called love story is more marketing stories, not real experience. So they are the woman in the story is always simple kindness, slag also met several men and meet men.

Some popular of emotional quotes more is taught people how to "kneeling licking", like "If girl took two article skirt to to asked which a article more beautiful, you will put two article are buy down, a article to she, and another a article Dang gift", what "world Shang nothing girl is a package package cannot coax happy of, if has, that on two a" "coax girl happy will buy buy buy".

Girls are not like a man who kneels to lick her all day, even if the man was not bad.

Kneeling licking make a woman feel like she is your first class, you don't deserve her, this feeling will gradually deepen as you treat her well, and her attitude more and your attitude is getting lower, infinite loop ... ...

Some people will say, local keeping young kneeling licking, what to give, how to get girls. Wrong in keeping relationships take the initiative is local, he is lower profile, but at any time you can go keeping another, he pays, is far greater than their sister their own value.

As a person who studies dating, the first step we need to do is control your needs, never to kneel to lick girl you care for girls is meaningful.

So, how should I do it?

Following stories, you must be familiar.

Angge was not like today can get 4 girlfriends for two days, but has been changed to other spare tires!

When the University like a sister and rival appears, but I win, and fellow with the same professional, be play full, who at that time were not claimed until she broke up long-distance boyfriend cheating. She secretly to find a boyfriend at that time intended to send a surprise, it was found by her boyfriend sent a Green Hat. Cried back, I received a phone call in high spirits came out on a date to comfort, looks calm heart clip-~ ~ happy riding.

Sitting in the school's small lake, man heard her bemoan the slag all after the discovery and how to seduce sister shameless cheat before she finished I provoked indignation of the interrupt and the former curse, she swans out of the arms of the Toad, or the consequences could be disastrous. Called out in one breath, found her complaining about the tears stopped hanging in the face, looked at me in silence, then suddenly a jump into my arms, so hold me ... On the way back to the dorm that night, footsteps almost bouncing jumping deer.

Summary inside, two near-perfect: first, his eloquence, men and all bemoan the slag, and properly grasp, "good cabbage is pig arch" this sentence slipped back to his lips and lives swallowed. Second, rock solid, she jumped into my arms became by her holding me still, I do not be tired say some comforting words, perfect can be called contemporary satyrs.

Night reception ahead of the celebration, the hostel brothers drink drunk! Old port wine sloshing, said angge, you believe it or not, the next time I saw her, called her sister-in-law! Brothers also booing, I said no, no, no, heart happy flowers!

At noon the next day, has not completely awake sat stunned and old a rushed in and shouted: angge, angge, grandson succeeded!!!

I'm confused to ask: huh??Grandson get what???Old a said: grandchildren and sister together, hand in hand to the dining room, still talking and laughing!!! Bedroom say slot ~ ~~ before I began to spit wine, whoa, are filled with tears!

Through a pervasive network later learned, as we sing about wine that night, sister about a rival in search of comfort. Still Lake, bemoan the former all, scum, chatter, tears, flowers! When the girl finally stopped, puzzled look rivals said: you couldn't comfort me a sentence!??Rival watching sister's eyes and said, I'm sorry, I didn't catch, do you cry are so charming? Painting a turn, girls hate and then bowed his head shyly. Rival says: don't be shy, I'm afraid I'd be tempted to kiss you! Finish, TM actually came my sister, kiss it!!!

"Why?" "Is that some time in the dorm was saying the words, finally brothers summed up the sister is sick, slag born male, for one another. Until then fought many battles, at home I didn't know girls love slag male, men to never fall in love with frustration!

When you feel good, feel into a woman inside, away from the nice guy card fell on your face is not far away. General symptom is that: you are talking about her sad past, bored family members or her insane predecessor. Either this girl in my life is xianglin, who babble incessantly, turns out that almost every woman has this feature. But if you're not put to her, that's what you do on the comfort set up a bit over the top, might have washed off his previously established to attract.

It seems that nice guy has not been loved! We have to change positions to do her!

First step: do good old

Is no longer available for free listening, understanding, and support services. You are not her father, nor her girlfriends, let alone her therapist! All you have to do, she male, women hear female ticket is as it should be, but this is moving things in the category of, girls like you more is the category thing. Empathy, Feng wake you up everyday putting you to sleep feed you enough to eat here, but none of the long legs ass big breasted women more effective. So, refused to do good old Millennium spare tire does not start!

The second step: dare to break the comfort

When you have or are about to become a fallback, to have the courage to break the situation.

So to speak: "if we go on this topic, I will charge you 500 counseling fees. Cash or card? "Or" today for a place to talk and drink dessert eat pizza I would be more careful. "In addition," you can not talk about these things, the female friends? Do you want me to be your girlfriend? "To let her know you today is a clear gesture to host!

The third step: switch to the flirting stage

Compared to the first two steps, this step is real man dares to do.?Advertising does not have to moonlight or dormitory, also does not have to say: "I love you, my girlfriend, OK? ”

Rival like I used to. Without saying a Word, but love and a little slut at her, and she finally finished complaining, you said, "excuse me, you are so hot, I didn't hear you, because looking at your m lips want to kiss you. ”

Also, when she denounced his predecessor, he said: "damn, next time you see him cutting off penises! Not to mention him! I picked him up the following classes! "And then a hug her, deep and name!

As sister sister's eyes, you can also suddenly pulled her hand when she talked, soulful says: "well girlfriends, I think friendship sublimate our revolution! ”

Finally, you need to keep in mind: do this, don't afraid of friendship, said the boat turned over, if she doesn't like and romantic journey you might as well find out now!

假期约会教程:你这样追妹子、汉子,注定没戏 - 约会,恋爱 - IT资讯
























我迷糊着问:唔?孙子得手什么啦? 老A说:孙子和嫂子在一起啦,手牵手去的食堂,还有说有笑的!!! 卧~~还没等说出槽~我就开始吐酒,哇哇哇,满含眼泪!

后来通过老A无孔不入的人脉了解到,就在我们对酒高歌那晚,妹子也把情敌约了出来寻找安慰。依旧是学校湖边,痛陈前任的种种不是、人渣作为,喋喋不休,眼泪花花!当妹子终于停下来,疑惑的看着情敌说:你怎么也不安慰我一句啊!?情敌看着妹子的眼睛,说:不好意思,刚才我没听清楚,你连哭都这么迷人吗? 画风一转,妹子一声讨厌然后害羞的低下头。情敌说:别这么害羞,我怕我会忍不住吻你!说完,TM的居然真把妹子拉了过来,给吻啦!!!








可以这么说:“如果我们再继续这个话题,我就要收你500块的心理咨询费了。现金还是刷卡?” 或是“今天换个地儿倾诉吧,喝着甜品吃着披萨我听的会比较认真。” 再者“你没有可以谈这些东西的女性朋友吗?你是想把我变成你的女朋友吗?”让她知道,你今天是摆明了姿势要上位!


比起前两步,这一步是真男人才敢做的。告白并非一定要花前月下或宿舍楼下,也并非必须说:“我喜欢你,做我女朋友好不好? ”





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