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published in(发表于) 2016/5/1 8:22:44 Edit(编辑)
1.44 million yuan of lessons! Uber explicitly allow guide dogs take the car,

1.44 million yuan of lessons! Uber explicitly allow guide dogs take the car,(144万元的教训!Uber明确允许导盲犬乘坐专车,)



1.44 million yuan of lessons! Take the car-Uber Uber explicitly allow seeing-eye dogs, guide dogs for the blind-IT information

On May 1, three years ago, the United States advocacy groups for the blind will be Uber mobile car service providers to court on the grounds that there is discrimination in the bus at guide dogs for the blind. A few days ago, Uber reached a reconciliation agreement and unequivocally allowed to take the car carrying guide dogs for the blind.

According to the United States a number of tech news Web site reported that the lawsuit plaintiffs are "National Federation of the blind" (National Federation of the Blind). Under the settlement, Uber plaintiffs compensation will be $ 223,000 (about 1.44 million yuan). The agreement still requires court approval.

Under the agreement, Uber will clearly require all car drivers are required to carry guide dogs to the blind consumers, provision of customer service.

Uber stressed that once found that car drivers in violation of regulations, denial of service carrying guide dogs for blind users, drivers ' accounts will be suspended.

In order to guarantee the Uber drivers to strictly abide by the contents of the settlement agreement, "the National Federation of the blind," also sent some members for trials riding.

It is reported that the lawsuit took place in 2014, Blind Union pointed out that Uber drivers refusing to carry guide dogs for the blind provides services for the blind, which constituted discrimination.

Uber said in a statement, the company's mission is to be the transport services that everyone can use, regardless of whether the consumer is blind, visually impaired or have other physical disabilities.

Uber the mobile car service has brought a revolution to the world market of transport services, in particular, caused significant impact to the traditional taxi. However, this service also suffered a lot of lawsuits, Uber has become "regulars of the Tribunal".

Just recently, Uber in the United States to pay $ 100 million settlement a class-action lawsuit that the car driver. Many allegations of Uber treat them as independent contractors instead of full-time employees of the company and therefore harm the interests of the drivers in the benefits. The future, Uber will further protect the interests of drivers, but still not as regular employees.

Earlier this year, some passengers sued Uber, alleging market manipulation was in the transport price formation, harm the interests of the passengers.

In addition, in February in another action, Uber agreed to pay $ 28.5 million in damages to the class action plaintiffs in the consumer, Uber driver's security background checks, is accused of lying, misleading, Uber does not implement strict review of advertising.

144万元的教训!Uber明确允许导盲犬乘坐专车 - Uber,导盲犬 - IT资讯


据美国多家科技新闻网站报道,这一诉讼的原告是“全美盲人联盟”(National Federation of the Blind)。根据和解协议,Uber将会向原告赔偿22.3万美元(约合人民币144万元)。这一协议还需要获得法庭的批准。










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