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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:49:36 Edit(编辑)
You don’t know the history of industry: game industry crash 33 years ago,

You don’t know the history of industry: game industry crash 33 years ago,(你不知道的行业史:33年前游戏业遭遇大崩盘,)



You don't know the history of industry: game industry crash-games 33 years ago, VR-IT information

Today we featured a documentary about hosting the game for all the video game movie, it's biggest bright spot is telling us the game craze in the problems and experiences, particularly detailed analysis of the "83 game industry crash," the cause of this event, as well as the North American market views on VR games. Every day will be "IP" and "VR" these two terms on the lips of the domestic game who can get good references and recommendations.

Video tour of the ET linkage failure: game products not only need information, IP, should focus on content quality

In the 80 's of last century, the famous host games company Atari had history with the Universal Studios earliest IP cooperation: developing film of the same name of the ET game products and movies synchronized selling the game, what we now call "shadow tour in sync." From game products of publicity strategy Shang said, regardless of is publicity timing also is IP content, Atari are touch has a put good brand: first, ET is 80 generation of hot works, is we now of super hot IP, and this IP also is most easy adapted game of science fiction class movie, and this Department movie works at a released on had Deng into North America box office champion. Secondly, the games were launched in the movie golden period, it can make the products made in the similar game stunt to attract fans to buy.

But the result is: Atari release millions of ET game cassette, all these articles. And because of this incident, the gaming industry has produced a series of chain reactions: consumer expectations for video games has reached a record low, all game consoles was no difference between them, known as "83 game industry crash."

Since the timing and content of IP are not wrong, then where are the reasons that caused the failure? Documentary tells us, because there is only one point: Atari to get ET authorization, and synchronized with the film last, game making only 5 weeks, poor quality due to production cycles are too short, "in the game content is only a patchwork to defective products," said in the documentary. And consumers are not fool, of course, won't buy.

Players like game content: with a sense of accomplishment, feature-rich, into strong

If the downturn says 83 were host game, then 85, is once again a brilliant time. Super Mario Nintendo products, host game into North America Consumer vision again. So, why Nintendo would succeed? From the documentary analysis, the main reason lies in the game content. So just what kind of game content, is the player most like it? Documentary about a total of three points: first, the players prefer like heroes in General, feeling of living in a different world; second, the players prefer more narrative games. Namely: plot of flesh and blood, fascinating; third, substituted into the game feeling stronger, more attractive to the players. These three points for game makers are the most basic principles, however in the blind using IP now, these three points can also be considered complete games have been getting less.

Future trends: North American game producers think VR games will become the next hot product

VR is a noun in the most popular this year. But a few years ago, has become popular in North America. In 2014, the documentary filmed in North America, when the movie finally comes to the games industry, there is a consensus about VR and believe that VR will become a hot topic. And facts? At home has at least this is the case. So we agree VR becoming what is the cause of it? Says in the documentary, VR device gives us a better sense of the game into more close to reality in the virtual world, meet players higher expectations.

According to the 83-game industry crash, we can draw the following conclusion: the game does not rely on IP, advertising and publicity can be successful, but is a good game. 80 's popular host games are so now popular tour is likely to do so. According to the documentary, views about VR we know: the future, whether in China or North America, VR will occupy the game industry's main market. When everyone else is using VR device, the content and effects of IP is an important choice plus for the game.

你不知道的行业史:33年前游戏业遭遇大崩盘 - 游戏,VR - IT资讯











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