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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:47:23 Edit(编辑)
Caution point! Netizens try to eat the most stinky food canned herring: open lid on the spit ... ...,

Caution point! Netizens try to eat the most stinky food canned herring: open lid on the spit ... ...,(慎点!网友试吃最臭食物鲱鱼罐头:开盖就吐了……,)



Caution point! Netizens try to eat the most stinky food canned herring: open lid on the spit ... ...-canned herring, canned-IT information

If you ask what is everybody of the most foul thing, most users will probably say is tofu, the durian ... ... Small series to share with you today is a very dangerous "gourmet"-Sweden canned herring. It's dangerous, because it is known as "the rotten food in the world."

Stink to what extent? Canned herring called the food industry, chemical and biological weapons, odor value up to 8070Au, in contrast, stinky tofu is only 420Au in Beijing. Those ugly origins to our food? Wikipedia Statistics, canned herring is Sweden food, processed canned herring into naturally fermented into a fetid, taste more acidic canned foods. Fermented herring is characterized by its stench everywhere, to disappear.

? A stirring of buyers show

There are several considerations about consumption of canned herring, for example, open the can around be sure to notice all the people, not in a closed environment open cans is strictly prohibited to use the cans on the plane, make sure you seal the Tin well and then discarded, there is try to finish after the opening ... ...

Claims world's rotten food, naturally have a lot of friends who try to risk, personally eat canned herring. Now Internet video collection, looked as though he could smell the strong odor, if you just want to eat snacks, you are welcome to get a feel of the video.

(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

慎点!网友试吃最臭食物鲱鱼罐头:开盖就吐了…… - 鲱鱼罐头,罐头 - IT资讯




关于食用鲱鱼罐头还有几项注意事项,比如打开罐头前一定要通告周围所有的人、 不要在封闭的环境内开启罐头、严禁将这种罐头带上飞机、切记要将罐头盒密封好后再丢弃,还有就是打开后尽量吃完……



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