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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:47:16 Edit(编辑)
Brush my card? Thailand 9,000 7

Brush my card? Thailand 9,000 7(刷我的卡?泰国9000家7)



Brush my card? Thailand 9,000 7-ELEVEN convenience store support PayPal-PayPal-IT information

IT information from PayPal, just 10 minutes ago official win know, ants gold dress and then a country under attack, Thailand does not need to shout " brush my card " (sawadika euphony, represent the meaning of Hello in Thai) ... ...

Official Micro-Blog reads as follows:

"Thailand throughout the support payments more than 9,000 7-ELEVEN convenience store" sawadika ~ not ready to leave to go high? Says travel is, of course, go Thailand! Because visa? NoNoNo! Because Thailand more than more than 9,000 7-11 convenience stores can use PayPal! Now to May 25, there is reduced activity . Small store can find the magical land of countless delicious hand letter, no more queues for check out distress. Perfect!

? Official Twitter screenshots

? Micro-Bo

? Micro-Bo figure II

刷我的卡?泰国9000家7-ELEVEN便利店支持支付宝 - 支付宝 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 就在10分钟前从支付宝官方微博得知,蚂蚁金服再攻下一国,去泰国不需要再高喊“刷我的卡”(萨瓦迪卡的谐音,泰语中代表你好的意思)了……






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