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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:35:37 Edit(编辑)
Goat head: the animation is not really money? ,

Goat head: the animation is not really money? ,(喜羊羊光头强:中国动漫是不是真差钱儿?,)



Goat head: the animation is not really money? -Animation, havoc in heaven, journey to the West-IT information

The saying goes good, money makes the world go around, although a lot is always teach our "money will come and go, money is not everything. "In many areas, but have to say it really is everything! Especially for film and television work, money is often the quality assurance, such as the United States can throw hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn a science-fiction film, superhero blockbusters, please buy a lot of good actors and a lot of good special effects, the effect was barred. Turning to China, investing hundreds of millions of Yuan's films are less and less, and not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars. In the anime industry is also money for the King? China's cartoon is not really money?

In mid-April, France animation Forum held in Guangzhou. France mad shadow animation studios producer Corinne attended the Forum activity during accepted collection weekly in an interview to France's animation industry the present situation analyses, and one of the three big animation school in the world, France Gao Bulan image School of Moira Marguin introduces animation department head of France's higher education, and China, Guangzhou Academy of fine arts Professor Chen Zanwei animation by differences in expressing their own views. In the interview, Chen Zanwei teacher comparing China and France time to complete an animation, in China is usually 1 year, while France is 5 years, 3 months in China in the early, while France is 3 years, what makes France team willing to put so much effort into an animation ?

Corinne said: "we will spend a lot of time for preparation of design, including aspects such as script and style will also carefully consider how technology suited to the films, what kind of person can make such a film in the team. In the mirror on the story, has cost us a lot of time and effort. We also attach great importance to the music, voice, voice actor consideration, this is a real early, taking into account all factors, when to proceed to the next step, you can more fully. "While Corinne said:" I know only about Chinese animation of the havoc, because of the havoc in France have released. This is not a problem of the film, just a matter of marketing channels . ”

Perhaps the France, experts say it makes very good sense, some Chinese animation companies do have some impatient, eager to make money, but ignores the most should pay attention to the quality of the work. Released in July last year has made animation the Autobot story and Disney's cars in the title, animated images, posters etc extremely similar but were denounced as plagiarism by netizens . And now, this animation would unveil a much-despised the sequel! A few days ago, held in Hangzhou "the 12th China International cartoon and animation festival", the series the Autobots story Director Zhuo Jianrong introductory animation sequel will be released in 2017 summer with the intention of, name for the Autobot story 2-crazy counter attack, also intends to invite a popular idol group TFBoys for film dubbing.

When the animation the Autobot story alleged plagiarism of the cars, the cars produced by the Walt Disney Company had responded by saying: "we are worried about the events that happen. "Director Zhuo Jianrong had been subjected to a large number of friends in Twitter's" siege ", he boldly said:" we are not illegal ! "According to Festival field exposure in the PPT, the sequel movie audience positioning is" all-age "market position is" global markets ", films with a budget of 30 million Yuan, the production costs of 20 million, issued 10 million to invite a popular idol group TFBoys for film dubbing.

See the figure of 20 million ... ... Penguin mother went out to check the cost of the cars 2--200000000 dollars! Do you no wrong is $ 200 million! You can figure out the amount of 200 million dollars is 20 million Yuan. Both the XX movie Finding Nemo, input only so a little bit, but to rush to make money, how is it possible to catch up in terms of quality? It is said that when the cars each frame render time is 7 hours on average, using numerous workstations, these machines-cooling measures, can provide for many companies. However, these efforts also paid off huge returns, of the cars 2 has made $ 600 million in global box-office receipts, which in 2011 is a pretty good accomplishment!

But this stuff is not easy come, China's animation market is not mature, many investors might really just taking it as a cash machine . Director Zhuo Jianrong also said: "to make a second, because the first let investors make money. "Evaluation of netizens, Zhuo Jianrong are never seem to mind, he felt" what others think is not important, what is the most important. "So to see the animation seems worse than money and, to some extent," willing to seriously do animation "such an attitude is the anime what they need the most in China.

In fact, if you look at long-term interest if doing animation, not less money earned! Recently, Japan auction site "Mandarake" on, Miyazaki personally modified 6 original modified sketches of the Sky City had sold 20.5 million yen (about 1.2177 million yuan) price is really amazing. Is this modification plan the initial price was not too high, for 80,000 yen (about 4752 Yuan), but after 291 after the fare increase, the final price up to 20.5 million yen, terrified onlookers. Some even said: "want to use the eraser to wipe off the screen......"

This sketch of a total of 6, each size is 235x350mm, is Miyazaki personally modified and accompanied by a certificate, so you don't have to worry about pay are fake. Painting is the classic scene of the actor playing the trumpet, vivid strokes, as if you can bring people back to the master the moment the animation. If domestic animation can be out of the castle in the sky of this world-renowned animation, and subsequently sell toilet paper alone is estimated to be rich now! Auction prices are not only original paintings, even a Chair too!

According to reports, the United Kingdom writer j · K Rowling's early writing the Harry Potter series of novels by sitting in a Chair in the 6th United States heritage auction house auction in New York. As of 4th, online bidding has reached $ 65,000. Heritage auction house information displayed on the Web site, which was built in the 30 's of the last century by the common oak chairs, now 50, who sat in this Chair, Rowling wrote the first two Harry Potter novels-the 1997 edition of the Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone, and in 1998 published the Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets.

That year, Rowling of being a young single mother living in reduced circumstances, she lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, a Government-funded shelters, free access to a set of 4 chairs. "This is one of the most comfortable one (Chair), so I put it in front of a typewriter, sitting and typing," Rowling, in describing the origins of this Chair wrote a letter. Rowling in a letter complaining about the Chair sat a long time will let her back pain, despite the "missed it on my feelings, but I don't miss it on the back." In 2002, Rowling will chair donated to a charity auction to help abused children. At that time, the color paint on the Chair she had written two words: "you may think that I'm not pretty, but don't judge by appearances", "I am sitting in this Chair to write Harry Potter", and sign his own name.

Well, today's hot slot here! Penguin mother of the next "answer interactive" time, for the wonderful comments, Penguin mother invites you to the list and a good compliment you! Please share your answers to us, Penguin mother would pick out a wonderful comments ridicule in the next phase of the program, and look forward to your answers!

Yesterday, first of all, we take a look at the question "do you think parents should keep a day does not go out, eating the old nerds who live off it? "Wonderful comments.

Ye Zhiting – I squatted at home for four years, what should I do, still do not want to go out, even not the travel by a means of transport.

Green pepper is not hot--I was abusive, after all I am a dead House.

-The Zhai Zhai, NEET is wrong. As a technical or professional players earn it.

Do you think that the animation is not really money?

喜羊羊光头强:中国动漫是不是真差钱儿? - 中国动漫,大闹天宫,西游记 - IT资讯


4月中旬,中法动画论坛也在广州举办。法国疯影动画工作室制片人Corinne在参加论坛活动期间,接受收藏周刊专访时对法国的动画产业现状进行了分析,而世界三大动画学院之一,法国高布兰图像学院的动画部门负责人Moira Marguin则介绍了法国的高校教育,而中国方面,广州美院教授陈赞蔚也就中法动画差异表达了自己的看法。在访谈中,陈赞蔚老师对比了一下中国和法国完成一部动画的时间,在中国通常是1年,而法国是5年,前期中国是3个月,而法国是3年,是什么使得法国创作团队愿意投入如此大的精力到一部动画创作
















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