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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:09:03 Edit(编辑)
Cancel 3.5mm headphone jack or mainstream, Intel to support Type

Cancel 3.5mm headphone jack or mainstream, Intel to support Type(取消3.5mm耳机接口或成主流,Intel力挺Type)



Cancel 3.5mm headphone jack or mainstream, Intel supports Type-C-TypeC,Intel-IT information

IT information news on April 27, Apple iPhone7 cancel talk 3.5mm Headphone Jack has a few months, but so far Apple has yet to confirm this news. But take out 3.5mm headphone jack isn't the only Apple, Intel also has operations.

Recently released music video super phone 2 Rob before Apple killed the 3.5mm headphone jack , instead using the Type-C interface, the original decoder transfers within a mobile phone to the headset instead of through the 3.5mm headphone jack, the entire transmission only 1dB attenuation. Due to transmission interface to Type-C, so custom CPU chips and professional decoder chip is integrated directly on the headset side, each headset has a unique ID, as well as hundreds of electronic components.

Intel is also developing its own Type-C audio specification, is now nearing completion. Under the charts provided by the foreign media, Intel will update the USB Audio Device Class Specification 2.0, which includes expanding support audio specifications and features, simplifies device discovery and authentication process to increase ease of use, enhanced power management, the new specifications will be released later this quarter.

Systems, Google Android 5.0 already in the primary added to the system to output audio driver support USB interface, so in theory if the hardware is not castrated, all Android more than 5.0 phones will support USB audio interface output, above, the Type-C became the mainstream of headphone jack to believe that in the future not too far away.

取消3.5mm耳机接口或成主流,Intel力挺Type-C - TypeC,Intel - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 4月27日消息,苹果iPhone7取消3.5mm耳机接口的传言已经有几个月了,然而苹果官方到目前为止尚未确认这一消息。不过想干掉3.5mm耳机接口的可不是只有苹果,Intel也已经行动。


而Intel也在开发自己的Type-C音频规范,目前已经接近完成。根据外媒提供的图表,英特尔将更新USB Audio Device Class 2.0规范,更新内容包括拓展支持音频的规范和功能,简化设备发现和认证程序增加易用性,增强内部电源管理,新的规范将于这个季度晚些时候公布。


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