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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:06:32 Edit(编辑)
Inner Mongolia wulanchabu City Mayor Tao Shuju serious disciplinary offence under investigation

Inner Mongolia wulanchabu City Mayor Tao Shuju serious disciplinary offence under investigation(内蒙古乌兰察布市市长陶淑菊涉严重违纪被查)



Inner Mongolia wulanchabu City Mayor Tao Shuju serious disciplinary offence under investigation | wulanchabu city _ news
Information chart

Original title: Inner Mongolia wulanchabu city, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of Tao Shuju survey

According to the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, discipline Inspection Commission News: Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of Tao Shuju, wulanchabu city suspected serious disciplinary violations, is currently under investigation.

  Tao Shuju resumes

Tao Shuju, female, Mongolian, was born in March 1962 in tongliao city, Inner Mongolia. Born in keyouqianqi, Inner Mongolia people. To work in July 1983, he joined the Communist Party of China. Central Party school, majoring in graduate and postgraduate qualifications. On January 11, 2012, Vice Secretary of wulanchabu City Mayor.

Department of mathematical physics 1979.08-1983.07 Central Institute for nationalities

1983.07-1985.10, Inner Mongolia baotou municipal office cadres

1985.10-1989.05 Secretary of the municipal party Committee Office in baotou city, Inner Mongolia section chief (1985.10-1987.07 exercises in the textile factory of baotou)

1989.05-1994.09 Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League in baotou city, Inner Mongolia autonomous region

1994.09-1998.11 Deputy Secretary of qingshan district, baotou city, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (1996.09--1996.12 in the flags of the party School of Inner Mongolia Party Secretary training courses

1996.12-1998.11 in the Department of Economics, graduate school of Chinese Academy of social sciences postgraduate course of market economy class)

1998.11-1999.02 assigned

1999.02-2001.09, baotou city, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region women's Federation President, Party Secretary and (2001.03--2001.07 in party School of Inner Mongolia green class)

2001.09-2005.03, chifeng city, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Wei, a Standing Committee propaganda Department (41st workshop of 2003.09-2004.01 in Inner Mongolia party school study)

2005.03-2007.11, chifeng city, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Wei, Member of the Minister of (2004.01-2006.01 in the Central Party school, majoring in part-time graduate)

2007.11-2010.04, chifeng city, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee (2008.03-2009.01 in the 8th issue of young and middle-aged cadres training class of Central Party school)

Erenhot city, Xilin GOL League, Inner Mongolia 2010.04-2011.03 Union, Member of the Board Secretary

2011.03-2012.01 wulanchabu Deputy Secretary of the municipal Committee and Acting Mayor

2012.01-present wulanchabu Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor (resume from wulanchabu city people's Government website)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Wulanchabu city

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Supervision of the Central Commission for discipline inspection site





  1979.08 —1983.07 中央民族学院数理系物理专业学习

  1983.07 —1985.10 内蒙古自治区包头市市委办公室干部

  1985.10 —1989.05 内蒙古自治区包头市市委办公室秘书科副科长(1985.10—1987.07在包头市纺织总厂锻炼)

  1989.05 —1994.09 内蒙古自治区包头市团委副书记

  1994.09 —1998.11 内蒙古自治区包头市青山区区委副书记(1996.09--1996.12在内蒙古党校旗县委书记培训班学习

  1996.12 —1998.11 在中国社会科学院研究生院经济系市场经济专业硕士研究生课程班学习)

  1998.11 —1999.02 待分配

  1999.02 —2001.09 内蒙古自治区包头市妇联主席、党组书记(2001.03--2001.07在内蒙古党校中青班学习)

  2001.09 —2005.03 内蒙古自治区赤峰市委常委、宣传部部长(2003.09 —2004.01在内蒙古党校第41期进修班学习)

  2005.03 —2007.11 内蒙古自治区赤峰市委常委、组织部部长(2004.01—2006.01在中央党校经济管理专业在职研究生)

  2007.11 —2010.04 内蒙古自治区赤峰市市委副书记(2008.03 —2009.01在中央党校第8期中青年干部培训二班学习)

  2010.04 —2011.03 内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟盟委委员、二连浩特市委书记

  2011.03 —2012.01 乌兰察布市委副书记、代市长

  2012.01至今 乌兰察布市委副书记、市长(简历摘自乌兰察布市人民政府网站)




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