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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:06:31 Edit(编辑)
How does groundwater quality in China, fighting three data

How does groundwater quality in China, fighting three data(中国地下水质量究竟如何,三部门数据打架)



How the quality of groundwater in China would fight three data _ | | China News

Original title: three data fight, how serious groundwater pollution in China?

In early April, a "groundwater must not drink" news caused concern. Since then the Ministry of water resources devoted to this "rumor", said reports that the water is shallow groundwater, and now most of the underground drinking water sources are deep.

So the question comes, how you bring the groundwater for drinking water quality in China? carding Department of the Ministry of water resources, environmental protection, and data released by the Ministry of land and resources of the tripartite, we found two former closer, or some 80% water quality standards. But land and resources data shows over the past five years, approximately 60% is poor water quality monitoring points of water.

  The Ministry of water resources:

  "Probably undrinkable groundwater" is misunderstood

On April 5, the monthly bulletin of Ministry of water resources announced that the groundwater (January 2016), "groundwater quality" a show, class IV to v water 80% around. The media interpret this as "our country ground water probably undrinkable."

For media coverage, water correcting said monthly groundwater data are groundwater monitoring data in the shallow water, not drinking water, groundwater drinking water sources at present are mainly taken from deep groundwater, and data monitoring points of water, cannot be said to be "national 80%" ground water.

According to Xinhua, Ministry of water resources, also known as, is currently under preparation of the national plan for water resources protection, 4,748 urban drinking water sources, 1817 with groundwater drinking water sources, water quality is 85%.

  Environmental Protection Department:

  Underground drinking water sources in 87% compliance

Groundwater is just part of our drinking water sources. Ministry of environmental protection announced first half of 2015 national environment quality in reality, underground drinking water sources in the 87.1% standard. What right to monitor water quality standards, environmental protection Department report did not at the same time.


  Monitoring of 60% water

In addition to the Ministry of water resources, Ministry of land and resources also will be in the Ministry of land and resources published in the Bulletin of groundwater status monitoring. According to the southern weekend reported monitoring sites of the Ministry of land and resources and the Ministry of water resources monitoring point do not coincide. Monitoring points of water are shallow groundwater, and monitoring of the Ministry of land and resources is of deep groundwater.

According to the groundwater quality standards, from good to poor water quality will include: good, good, good, poor and very poor.

Combed land monitoring we found that, from 2011 to 2015, the monitoring points in the proportion of poor and very poor water added, rose from 55% to 61%, water (good, good, good) overall proportion not seen improvement.

Results and statistics of the Ministry of environmental protection, there seems to be no evidence. Similarly, the land and resources Communique did not indicate what monitoring points of water is poor in water.

In General, groundwater water quality trends based on stability, from 2011 to 2015 are variation trend of monitoring percentage increase of around 4%.

2015 monitoring shows that inadequate standards of monitoring sites, the main standard components for the total hardness, total dissolved solids, iron, manganese, "three nitrogen" (nitrite nitrogen, nitrate-n and ammonium-n), fluoride, sulphate, and individual water quality monitoring points of arsenic, lead, hexavalent chromium, cadmium and other heavy (a) excessive metal.

Source water groundwater bulletin (January 2016)

Bulletin of China's land and resources, Ministry of land and resources (2011-2015)

Southern weekend, Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, new financial

New Media Editor of Beijing News Lu Chen Xu Ying of Beijing News drawing sword

Edit: Wang

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
China data

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The Beijing News
中国地下水质量究竟如何 三部门数据打架|数据|中国_新闻资讯






  4月5日,水利部公布《地下水动态月报》(2016年1月),报告中 “地下水水质”一项显示,Ⅳ到Ⅴ类水占80%左右。有媒体将此解读为“我国地下水八成不能饮用”。














  资料来源 水利部《地下水动态月报》(2016年1月)



  新京报新媒体编辑 陈璐 新京报制图 许英剑



数据 中国


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