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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:06:27 Edit(编辑)
Heilongjiang smashed a gun possession case, seizing 8 guns

Heilongjiang smashed a gun possession case, seizing 8 guns(黑龙江破获一非法持枪案,查获8支枪)



Heilongjiang uncovered a case of illegal guns seized 8 guns | the Heilongjiang _ news
Heilongjiang police cracked a case of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and seized firearms, 8 police photo

Original title: Heilongjiang uncovered a case of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and seized firearms, 8

CNS, Haerbin, April 28 (reporters and and and Jie Peihua)-police in Heilongjiang province posted a message on 28th, police in Daqing City, Heilongjiang province, recently uncovered a large case of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and seized various types of firearms, 8.

It is understood that in February 2015, the detachment of public security management in Daqing City, Heilongjiang province, wanted a gun in treatment of explosive work get a clue: the sumou lindian County residents often work together with others, using a shotgun in lindian, Qiqihar, Arthur Andersen, and to illegal hunting.

After preliminary investigation, discovered that Sue does like to hunt, and illegal possession of firearms. Police set up a task force for further investigation, discovered that Su, Liu and Wang, Kim and other 10 people like Hunt, are suspected of illegal possession of firearms, cross each other, is not entirely familiar with, communicate with code words, poaching alert was very high.

In 2015, from 3 May, involved many illegal hunting activities. During the task force prepared to arrest action multiple times, but taking into account the geographical environment and personnel effects, in order to prevent people involved abandoned guns, concealed evidence, cannot effectively combat it, finally gave up the catch, the gang officers continue to monitor.

In 2016, after the Spring Festival, when birds return season, the Panel found that the Group began to engage in illegal hunting activities. For the collection of illicit firearms in time to eliminate security risks, crime, a project with an overall 10 persons involved in activities on a regular basis, on March 31 at 4 o'clock in the morning, under the support of the relevant departments, organizations arrests. Ranghulu district, respectively, in lindian County in Daqing City, and ANDA Su, Liu, Wang and 10 people respectively, such as control, persons involved in residence, destination, the regular venue was carefully searched. Seized guns 8. Among them, the shotgun 3, 1 caliber gun, Airgun 4. All kinds of bullets seized more than 10,000 employees. Among them, the shotgun, calibre rifle bullets made by the 184 151, five or six 26-military rifle bullets, pistol bullets 100, solid lead rounds 11560, empty shells, 7 high pressure gas cylinder 1, pressurized air pump 1.

Audited, the King (male, 54 years old, lindian County person), gold (male, 38 years old, lindian County man), Liu (male, age 59, Daqing City people), Liu (male, 40 years old, man, ANDA), Katie (male, 44 years old, lindian County man) confessed to illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, such as crime.

Currently, suspects Lee xxx (male, 44 years old, lindian County man) was released on bail pending trial, other suspects have been detained, case is further work. (End)

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

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China News Network
黑龙江破获一非法持枪案 查获8支枪|黑龙江_新闻资讯
黑龙江警方破获一起非法持有枪支弹药案 查获枪支8支 警方提供 摄

  原标题:黑龙江破获一起非法持有枪支弹药案 查获枪支8支

  中新网哈尔滨4月28日电 (苑国凯 记者解培华) 黑龙江省警方28日发布消息,近日黑龙江省大庆市警方破获一起特大非法持有枪支弹药案件,查获各类枪支8支。







责任编辑:张淳 SN182



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