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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:06:15 Edit(编辑)
First case relating to Taiwan, Zhongshan, Guangdong Telecom fraud ring was prosecuted by law

First case relating to Taiwan, Zhongshan, Guangdong Telecom fraud ring was prosecuted by law(广东中山市首例涉台电信诈骗团伙被依法提起公诉)



First case relating to Taiwan, Zhongshan, Guangdong Telecom fraud ring was prosecuted by law
CNS, Guangzhou, April 28 (reporters Suo Youwei and Chen Yunfei)-informed the Guangdong provincial procuratorate, 28th, Zhongshan city, the province's first Taiwan telecommunications fraud ring of 18 defendants in the case were prosecuted according to law.
September 2014, Taiwan nationals accused Jiang Moucheng from Taiwan to buy fraudulent telephone used, switches and other equipment, and Taiwan nationals accused Huang Kai established Telecom fraud group, has recruited the accused Hu and the others to join. The fraud groups members by Taiwan and city personnel composition, members Division clear, accused Jiang Moucheng, and yellow a Kay for scenes command who, remaining personnel is divided into 123 line personnel, line personnel posing as post, and Bank, and Social Security Council staff, call take victims personal information, charged floor 5000 Yuan (Yuan, with), by accused Wu someone, is responsible for; two or three line personnel posing as Public Security Bureau, and Attorney, sector, through phone intimidation and fax fake of detention card, and Warrant of arrest and the Prosecutor's Office instruments and other means to commit fraud, no base salary, according to the amount of fraud 8% Commission, the defendant Chen Mouhui, who is responsible for.
The groups with two a platform system, a is mass system, another is modified, system, through platform system to number paragraph (each number paragraph 2000-3000 a phone) for units continuous call national more to of phone phone, met victims received listening to phone, will to its bank account suspected wash money laundering, and drug, and economic crime, reason intimidation, and threat victims, times success lured victims remittance to so-called of "Beijing National Notary account", by car business (that is responsible for take money of people) in Taiwan take now, After deducting the fees through the underground settlement with the groups.
The gang is committing, in September 2014 until April 2015 in gaoming district, Foshan City, using the above means of fraud, in which successful fraud during the March 2015 to April 75, cheated 910920. On May 25, 2015, den go to the gang to cover up crimes, torch development zone, Zhongshan city, and gathered the defendants Li Moufu, Huang Qi and so many people to join the fraud ring, as of June 9, 2015 when it was seized, in Zhongshan during the fraud successfully 21 times, tricked 201252 Yuan.
Currently, Telecom fraud-related crime situation is grim, serious harm to interests of the people on both sides. Zhongshan city, the first city attorney carefully review according to law to Jiang Moucheng, the defendant 18 people suspected of fraud to the Court for prosecution.
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-04-28 18:17:20
China News Network
中新网广州4月28日电 (索有为 陈云飞)广东省检察院28日通报,该省中山市首例涉台电信诈骗团伙案中的18名被告人被依法提起公诉。
(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-04-28 18:17:20

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