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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:25:26 Edit(编辑)
Traffic: about positioning on the Internet, not as means of transport,

Traffic: about positioning on the Internet, not as means of transport,(交通部:网约车定位有问题,不能当成代步工具,)



Traffic: about positioning on the Internet, not as a means of traffic-, net about cars, car-IT information

Review of driver identification, request "off the shelf" packages, by illegally investigated ... ... Recently, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai concentrated on the net about regulation. Network booking taxi service of the interim measures for the administration of the case yet, initiative is the administrative measures for the regulation or a pressure, timing and so on, the market's attention.

Department of transportation officials to accept "new viewpoint" reporter, said in an interview, net about bus services should be relatively high-end, if about networks as a basic way to travel, cities can be said to be a problem with the positioning of the tool, hoping regulations floor the sooner the better.

Throughout the regulation network about three cars

Journalists found all over the net about measures focused on three aspects:

-About car-clean the non-local network license plate .

Reporters from the Guangzhou Municipal traffic Committee was informed that, since last year, traffic 4 interviews network platform business, 3 of them require cleanups of Guangzhou car license plate. Until the end of January this year, and platform disclosure data shows that over 100,000 field plate network about cars in Guangzhou area be cleaned up.

Since April, the Shenzhen traffic control Department of the focus network offsite licence about cars in passenger-carrying operations on April 20, and Hangzhou municipal transportation Bureau, Public Security Bureau and other four departments about joint interviews network enterprise, and cleanups of Zhejiang and a license plate.

Hangzhou municipal Bureau of transportation taxi Management Office, said Xiao min, a large number of out-of-town vehicles net about car services in Hangzhou, increased non-restricted periods of traffic congestion.

--Review the driver identification .

Because some parts of the net safety incidents some truck drivers violating, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other driver's identity is to focus its regulatory review.

In March, the Shenzhen Transportation Committee disclosed after the interview platform enterprise, found in the net about truck drivers has many major criminal offences and drug police officers asking the platform in April 10 return for these drivers.

According to the Hangzhou municipal transportation Bureau introduced, the public security organs seized on the transport sector about about 300 private cars access network platform drivers undergo background checks and found 9 drivers have criminal records. All enterprises were asked before April 30 will provide network all about car service vehicles about car and driver information to network administration office, the public security organs will be the comprehensive background checks.

-By illegal trading primary network about investigation private .

Platform enterprise statistics, at present, more than 85% registered vehicles are private cars on the market. Xinhua learned from the traffic control Department, net about cars since the birth, there was investigated on grounds of illegal trading all over the reorganization.

Shanghai municipal transportation law enforcement general team official website revealed that the illegal regulation of passenger focus carried out in the near future, private network is about to be investigated, checked drivers face fines of 10,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan. Meanwhile, traffic enforcement departments to step up supervision of enterprises, drops to receive 100,000 yuan fine. According to reports, Shanghai, China and other major enterprises will also carry out investigations.

In addition, there are places on the net about restrictions on promotions. On April 12, the Guangzhou traffic Committee interviewed online about vehicle platform companies, request promotion shall not be for the purpose of squeezing out competitors, provide operation services at below-cost prices, causing unfair competition.

Lax management and a "subsidy war" or "bruising"

NET about cars since its birth, has not only changed the way people travel, cheap, convenient and favored by consumers. However, some from members of the industry, fast-growing network of about cars also brought a lot of problems.

Reporters found that nets around car platforms for recruiting drivers and vehicles is not strict, so that appears more than once with cars information, booking information and actual service car inconsistent condition.

"Fast cars, ride, such as cheap, but for these cars and their drivers have no bottom. "Sun says, Beijing residents, the platform should take responsibility to, do the driver identity verification.

China says Yang yujie, head product safety, platform businesses will co-operate with regulators to safety management, application of data auditing on the driver side "face recognition" technology is currently being tested "live comparison"-compared with the dynamic portrait camera acquisition data.

Other hand, in order to seize the market, taxi software has been playing "subsidies war." According to industry figures disclosed by 2015 is easy to use, excellent step and drop faster platforms such as enterprise subsidies on the passenger "burn" about 20 billion yuan. This pattern led to net about truck driver income is high, is bringing consumers a cheap taxi feast.

Transportation in China said Li Hongchang, Vice Director of the Center for economic research, relying too much on subsidies for unsustainable, drivers and passengers have formed habits once the subsidies have little or no, it will not fit.

Department of transportation official said, now nets about a car for consumers to experience good, is because of the double subsidy, but capital is always profit, which can be canceled at any time, then might better service and price is not necessarily better than a taxi.

Platform in Guangzhou "off the shelf" packages 3 days after, China car launched "more offers": charge 100 get 100, each user can charge a maximum of 10,000 yuan. Platform to the user information displayed, recharge amount exceeded 1 billion yuan on the first day of activities. And drops on the platform in the past and some reduced-rate tickets still available.

While excellent step and drop drivers in Guangzhou, Dr Baker said, the platform offers, car suddenly soared, no concessions list smaller. Consumers selected network about the car, the biggest attraction is favorable, no concessions do not know if I can do it.

Looking forward to the "top design" as soon as possible about landing net positioning is the key

Reporters found that although local Governments frequently "hit" treatment, but it has limited impact on net some vehicle platforms and drivers, look forward to the Central "top design" landing as soon as possible.

Enterprises in Guangzhou and Shenzhen said that non-local license plates had been cleared, on the one hand do not give newly registered, registered on the other side not to dispatch. But reporters about car found in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and license plates of vehicles still in the field. One nets about car services in Guangzhou Huizhou plate driver told reporters that being like him soliciting many of the owners in Guangzhou around Guangzhou, he also registered the step and drop "may be under investigation, but that probability."

NET about truck drivers told reporters, wish to make an appointment as soon as possible, the network taxi operation and service of the interim measures for the Administration, clear net around identity.

According to draft, cars joined the network of about would require changes to operating vehicles, means retirement life will be reduced to 8 years. In this regard, several owners said, if possible I would not do. "Now to make some money, didn't count car damages, if the 6-8 will change, the car cost 20,000 yuan a year. ”

In this regard, the platform has been prepared. Drop launch "partners business plan", individual contract drivers. According to reports, the drops will be in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places to recruit 100,000 drivers. Easy to platforms such as enterprises have also launched their own vehicle.

Department of transportation officials say, is part of the public transport network about car, but are relatively high-end bus services, not saying we should let everyone can afford a car. Subway is the basic services to urban public transport, and about cars as a means of locating network problems .

Research Institute of highway the Ministry of transport road traffic development research center, said Yu Mingyuan, Director, standardize net about cars is necessary, it is more important for tackling the problems pending establishment of a multi-level system for public transit, ease traffic congestion and reduce pollution.

交通部:网约车定位有问题,不能当成代步工具 - 交通部,网约车,专车 - IT资讯



































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