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published in(发表于) 2016/4/26 8:36:16 Edit(编辑)
Apple iPhone lost boys accidentally, pick up: do not give 1000 does not,

Apple iPhone lost boys accidentally, pick up: do not give 1000 does not,(小伙不慎弄丢苹果iPhone,捡到者:不给一千元不还,)



Apple iPhone lost boys accidentally, pick up: do not give 1000 Yuan not-iPhone6, iPhone-IT information

Is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation greatly, but Chongqing Yao has encountered something recently, allow yourself to laugh or cry. Recently, Yao's cell phone was picked up, find each other when you return, they first denied and then require up to 1000 Yuan fee. Finally, in Yubei District of Chongqing Public Security Bureau police mediation, Yao got back to the phone.

21, Yao was a salesman, and now lives in Yubei District. On April 16, he invited several friends over to play, passing by the community when a gazebo, they sat down and talked for a while. When I got home, Xiao Yao ready to call, but cut trouser pocket, found his cell phone was missing.

This can scare the Yao, their iPhone6 but paid more than 5,000 yuan for two months ago. Xiao Yao worried, friend warned that cell phones could be left behind in the Pavilion. But not to be found in the Arbor Yao iPhone. At this time, Yao see pavilions have monitored through surveillance video to find, Yao's cell phone is seized by a middle-aged woman .

When Yao and his party find a middle-aged woman who picked up the phone, the other party denies, the presence of people has been so deadlocked. Final Yao, see reclaim cell phone no, time is at 9 o'clock in the evening, police.

Public security branch of Yubei District police station arrived at the police stations, informed, police together with Yao to the control room review, as Yao says, monitor records the people picking up the phone. Police then called the middle-aged woman's husband watched the monitor.

Subsequently, the police returned to their home, their husband urged them to return, said the middle-aged woman is denying is not picked up. Police let Yao Xian left the room, and continued after the appealed to middle-aged women, the police inform the monitoring of women has clearly documented the pick up the phone if an affidavit is not recognized, the owner can take it to court, supervision shall prevail, the Court must declare its unconditional return losses than gains.

Other possible compensation, called Yao immediately get 1000 Yuan compensation, returned phone, admitted picking up the phone . Police subsequently consult with Yao, if you wish, you can compensate for each other, after much negotiation, the two sides finally reached agreement, Yao thanked the other 400 Yuan.

Yubei Police reminded: out process in the, personal best custody good himself of carry precious items, if lost, back of chances very slim, himself will will suffered loss, the case in the, small Yao undoubtedly is lucky of, but such of lucky after all is very minority; while also reminded, picked up to of items, should handed, if refused to surrendered, amount larger, will suspected illegal.

小伙不慎弄丢苹果iPhone,捡到者:不给一千元不还 - iPhone6,苹果手机 - IT资讯









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