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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:35:53 Edit(编辑)
Zhang gaoli, meeting with the leader of the ceremony of the signing of the Paris agreement _ Sina news

Zhang gaoli, meeting with the leader of the ceremony of the signing of the Paris agreement _ Sina news(张高丽会见出席《巴黎协定》签署仪式领导人_新浪新闻)



Zhang gaoli, meeting with the leader of the ceremony of the signing of the Paris agreement _ news

CCTV News (news feeds): XI Jinping Envoy, met with Vice Premier of the State Council, Mr Zhang gaoli, 22nd in New York attended the Paris High level signing ceremony of the agreement France President Francois hollande and United States Secretary of State John Kerry.

When meeting with Francois hollande, Zhang gaoli conveyed cordial greetings from Chinese President. Zhang pointed out that preparation and agreement of the General Assembly in the course of negotiations in Paris, France always maintained close communication and coordination, and carried out fruitful cooperation. Especially last November, the heads of State of the two countries issued a joint declaration on climate change, in order to promote the Paris Pact plays an important role. Paris General Assembly is a milestone in international cooperation on climate change, is also a new starting point. China is ready to work together with the French side, continue to promote the entry into force of the Paris agreements, negotiations and implementation. As this year's Chair country of the Group of 20 Summit in Hangzhou, China is willing to work with France to promote the Group of 20 Member States play a leading role in the implementation of the outcome of the Paris Conference. That both sides should continue to maintain high-level exchanges and explore the "Thirteen-Five" plan, "" initiatives and other important strategic and France "industrial plan for the future" and other related development strategies effective joint, deepen pragmatic cooperation in areas such as nuclear power, aviation, sustainable development, and promote the long-term, healthy and stable development of bilateral relations.

Hollande asked Zhang to convey good wishes to the Chinese President, said the French side highly appreciates the contribution of China to push for the Paris agreement, is willing to join efforts with China, using platforms such as Hangzhou, the Group of 20 Summit to actively promote the effective implementation of the Paris agreement. France has confidence in China's economic development, and hoped that the two sides further strengthen renewable energy, nuclear energy, new urban construction as well as third-party market cooperative.

When meeting with Kerry, Zhang said, shortly before the Chinese President with President Obama in Washington during the nuclear security summit meeting success, on deepening cooperation in various fields, constructive regulatory differences and reached important consensus, and point out the direction for the next stage of development of Sino-US relations. Both sides planned high-level exchanges this year and an important mechanism for dialogue to ensure more positive results. Sino-US cooperation on climate change is a highlight in bilateral relations, both sides have issued three joint declaration on climate change, and for the adoption by the General Assembly in Paris the Paris agreement, which played a key role. Both sides should continue to maintain the current good momentum of cooperation, and promote the effective implementation of the Paris agreement, by Hangzhou, the Group of 20 Summit and other multilateral platform for cooperation on climate change process with continuous power, Sino-US energy security and development in the world have a common interest and responsibility, and hoped that the two sides strengthen dialogue, deepen cooperation, and to contribute to the global sustainable energy development.

Kerry said that China is a country with major international influence, the US-China relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationship in the world. Reached the Paris agreement of cooperation for the two countries play an important role. United States is willing to join efforts with China to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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  在会见奥朗德时,张高丽首先转达习近平主席的亲切问候。张高丽指出在巴黎大会筹备和协定谈判过程中,中法双方始终保持密切沟通协调,开展了卓有成效 的合作。特别是去年11月,两国元首共同发表气候变化联合声明,为推动达成《巴黎协定》发挥了重要作用。巴黎大会是国际气候变化合作的里程碑,也是新起 点。中方愿同法方一起努力,继续推进《巴黎协定》的生效、后续谈判和落实。作为今年二十国集团杭州峰会主席国,中方愿同法方共同推动二十国集团成员国在落 实巴黎大会成果上发挥引领作用。希望双方继续保持高层交往,探讨将中国“十三五”规划、“一带一路”倡议等重大战略与法国“未来工业计划”等相关发展战略 有效对接,不断深化核电、航空、可持续发展等领域务实合作,推动两国关系长期健康稳定发展。

  奥朗德请张高丽转达对习近平主席的良好祝愿,表示法方高度赞赏中方为推动达成《巴黎协定》所作贡献,愿与中方共同努力,利用二十国集团杭州峰会等平 台,积极推进《巴黎协定》的有效落实。法方对中国经济发展充满信心,希望双方进一步加强可再生能源、核能、新型城市建设以及第三方市场合作。

  在会见克里时,张高丽说,习近平主席同奥巴马总统前不久在华盛顿核安全峰会期间成功会晤,就深化各领域合作、建设性管控分歧达成重要共识,为下阶段 中美关系发展指明了方向。双方要规划好年内高层交往和重要机制性对话,确保取得更多积极成果。中美气候变化合作是两国关系中的亮点,双方已经发表三份气候 变化联合声明,并为巴黎大会通过《巴黎协定》发挥了关键作用。双方要继续保持当前良好的合作势头,推动《巴黎协定》有效落实,利用二十国集团杭州峰会等多 边平台为气候变化合作进程提供持续动力,中美在世界能源安全和发展方面拥有共同利益和责任,希望双方加强对话,深化合作,为全球能源可持续发展作出贡献。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098


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