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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:35:32 Edit(编辑)
US media: China’s largest “ghost town“ kangbashi, the occupancy rate has reached 90%

US media: China’s largest “ghost town“ kangbashi, the occupancy rate has reached 90%(美媒:中国最大“鬼城”康巴什入住率已达九成)



US media: China's largest "ghost town" kangbashi, the occupancy rate has reached 90% | | ghost town _ kangbashi news

Original title: US media: China's largest "ghost town" kangbashi, the occupancy rate has reached 90%

  United States, Forbes bi-weekly, April 23 article, the original question: today, China's largest "ghost town" was admitted to 90%, but there is a catch if I said Ordos kangbashi – China's largest "ghost towns" – is now nearly full, would you believe it? But this is the reality, I also just learned that at present, the occupancy rate has reached 90% message.

However, there is a catch.

In the Ordos prefecture-level cities, and dongsheng district of kangbashi is located in ejin Horo banner and county-level administrative region between wulanmulun segmentation. Today, kangbashi's core area is located in the North of the River, and many residential areas located in South Bank.

Kangbashi, a "mysterious" in that it has not obtained the appropriate administrative level. Although the town now has a population of nearly 100,000, but in Beijing's eyes, it doesn't exist. However, kangbashi is apply to Beijing for "City" status.

Funny thing is, kangbashi, the applications were not included in wulanmulun River South of the area. Is the seat of kangbashi, the vast majority of vacant houses in the region, it may not be a coincidence. In fact, the region of "removal" after kangbashi will suddenly become almost living amidst the city.

(Source: global network)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Kangbashi, a ghost town

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  美国《福布斯》双周刊网站4月23日文章,原题:如今,中国最大“鬼城”已入住九成,但存在蹊跷 如果我说鄂尔多斯的康巴什——中国最大的“鬼城”——如今已几乎住满人,你会相信吗?但这是现实,我也是刚刚得知目前该地入住率已达九成的消息。






责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

康巴什 鬼城


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