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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:35:26 Edit(编辑)
Thousands in listed companies annual salary is almost extinct in China, local dividends frequency

Thousands in listed companies annual salary is almost extinct in China, local dividends frequency(中国上市公司高管千万年薪者几近绝迹,土豪式分红频现)



Thousands in listed companies annual salary-nearly extinct local bonus frequent | | listed companies annual salary _ news

Bank executives fell close to 50%

Thousands of annual salary, which was once synonymous with executives of listed companies paid. In 2014, 9 executive pay had 6 companies of tens of millions. However, along with the State-owned enterprises have executive pay restraint, in 2015, the thousands of executives in listed companies annual salary has almost disappeared. Instead, it is more and more local bonus off the market ... ...

 Close-up of a

Annual salary of more than only one

But get more than 9 million also has several

For most ordinary investors, Chen Dexian's name may be unfamiliar. China ping an Chief Investment Officer, Chen Dexian 2015 12.8638 million Yuan (before tax) year 2015 "highest paid the two cities" award. Which is currently the only executives earning more than thousands in the a-share market.

In 2015, 54.203 billion yuan Ping made the best profit. In this transcript, up to 1.7 trillion in investment assets, set a 7.8% total investment yield, to recent highs, which is credit to Chen Dexian.

Shares second paid person, equally from China peace. China ping an Chairman Ma mingzhe, earning 9.9895 million yuan in the second place, representing an annual decline of its 2014 10.9001 million million Yuan. However, in 2015, China ping an executives ' total compensation reached 93.0714 million Yuan, become the highest executive compensation in shares of the company.

Third was China vanke a (000002) Chairman Wang Shi and Yu Liang, President, the two executives ' annual salary of 9.988 million Yuan. In 2013, the salary of 15.9 million yuan of the Wang Shi, 2014 10.456 million Yuan. Yu Liang 2013 salary of 14.31 million Yuan. Pay restraint, order, vanke a consecutive three years cut executive pay.

Compared with the real estate company cut, usher "abundant" years of brokerage is generously giving away money. Sinolink securities General Manager Jin Peng in 2015 from the company received total compensation of 9.7244 million Yuan (before taxes), ranking the fourth executive compensation in listed companies. The 2014 pay 3.6352 million Yuan, an increase of up to 168%.

Offered the Government the sinolink securities of 22 directors, supervisors and executives. In 2015, the 22 directors high obtained from sinolink Securities accumulated pay 62.5215 million Yuan, per capita 2.8419 million Yuan. While CITIC Securities 26 directors and higher total compensation of 71.2737 million Yuan, 2.7413 million yuan per person on average. In addition, GF securities 24 executives remuneration totaling 48.926 million Yuan, per capita 2.0386 million Yuan. Brokerage executives, ushered in the most happy days as a whole.

 Close-up II

Central Executive pay heavy

Banks have gone down the most malicious, fell close to 50%

2015 annual reports of listed companies showed that in the Central "pay go", was the most profitable Bank, is the poor efficiency of the energy sector, executives pay decline.

In five cases, CCB (601939) Chairman Wang Hongzhang 2015 pay 598,800 Yuan, his 2014 salary of 1.15 million Yuan, fell close to 50% in industrial and commercial bank (601398) Chairman Jiang Jianqing 2015 salary of 546,800, in 2014 to 1.139 million Yuan. Governor of the ICBC 2014 years will pay for 1.089 million Yuan, 2015 546,800, fall in the same 50%.

There are unsatisfactory effects the energy industry last year, executives generally decline in income. China Shenhua (601088) 1.2384 million Yuan han Jianguo from 2014, the annual salary of the Chief Executive, dropped to $ 731,000 last year, fell to 40.97%. "Two barrels", Sinopec President Li chunguang dropped 972900 Yuan in compensation by 2014 to 2015 year 525,000 yuan, fell by 46%; China Petroleum President Wang Dongjin salary from 1.137 million drop to 734,000 yuan, or 35.44%.

Analysts said that "pay" are only for heads of SOEs, joint-stock banks and city commercial banks ' executives are not affected. Parts of Central professional managers, their remuneration is not affected. In annual reports have been disclosed in Bank, ping an Bank shaoping 2015 received total compensation as high as 7.1045 million Yuan before tax, is expected to once again won the banker pay list of champions. Shaoping 2014 total pay before tax of 8.3527 million Yuan.

 Close-up of three

Local dividends frequency

44 companies will profit off

In 2015, an increasing number of listed companies to distribute "big red" team, all part of the company's full year net profit.

Flush data show that as of April 19, 1473 listed companies issued bonus programme, which, 1421 listed companies issued bonus programmes, including cash dividends, the amount totaled $ 656.1 billion yuan. 2,165 listed companies published annual report, which means more than 60% of the listed company intends to distribute red envelopes of cash to investors.

Worth mentioning is that the shares are now "local tyrants" cash dividends. As of April 19, 275 cash dividends of listed companies amounted to more than 50% of the company's net profit last year. Among them, 44 listed company's total cash dividends of the company's net profit last year.

On April 5, Yutong (600066) issued a bulletin intended for every 10 shares of the company were 15 Yuan. 1.5 Yuan per share cash dividends does not look attractive, but calculated in accordance with 2.2 billion shares of the company's total equity, the dividend will be out of 3.32 billion yuan. The whole of 2015, the company achieved net profit but 3.535 billion, bonus points to a net profit of 93.94%.

Also heroic are Henan shuanghui (000895). Intended for every 10 shares of the company were now 12.5 Yuan. Calculated according to the total equity of 3.3 billion shares, the dividend will be cutting up 4.125 billion yuan, will account for 96.9% of its net profit in 2015.

It is worth mentioning that, as of Friday's closing price, Yutong, shuanghui development 23 stocks's dividend yield of more than 5%. A total of 96 shares dividend yield of more than 3%, finished blasting "baby" financial products.

Share local-another sign of dividends, is the high transfer of listed company programme. Data shows that until last Saturday, 2015 launched 10 send more than 15 shares allocation the total a-share listed companies reached 92. Among them, 37 10 transfer of 20 per cent, 55 of the transfer programme between 10 and transfer between 15-10 transfer of 19.

In fact, since 2010, annual report dividend and transfer programme in 10 transfer of 15 companies tend to be rare and above, respectively, 10, 2, 1, 5 and 64, and transfer ratio or more is one of the few companies with more than 10 transfer of 20 over the last 5 years a total of 14. In 2015, however, happened in the case of very significant changes. At present, Jin-Sheng precision (300083) for every 10 shares and transfer of 30 assignments, the highest in 2015, "Hao" and transfer programme. Overall, cash dividends from large State-owned enterprises.

And junior and the gem, it is born of high concentration camps and transfer of local companies. Released in 92 10 listed companies send more than 15 assignments, 77 out of Shenzhen gem and junior market. Small company equity is relatively small, accelerated significantly in performance are often most vulnerable to higher transfer.

This version of the author

Beijing Morning News Bureau Chief Wang


In which work is most fun?

Brokers earning an average of about 767,000

In 2015, in which work is most fun? Answer, of course, is a securities company. Although a bank employee had been market rumors, "lying for money", but under the pay limits, whether bank executives and ordinary employees, their salaries for the last three years has shown instability, some banks have appeared year after year.

The insurance industry last year ushered in good times, generally high on executive pay, but if they are employees, employee compensation in the financial industry or the insurance industry is considered as a "lower". The basic pay scale could not be compared with the brokerage of insurance companies, but a welcome change is that increases every year, "year by year".

A yearly profit of the brokerage industry three years ago, the average salary of employees called the surge. 16 disclosure of annual reports of listed brokerages, 2015 salaries costs more than doubled in 2014, employees accumulated increase of 22400. On average, the 16 brokerages each 6068 employees, earning an average of about 767,000. In 2014, pay only 468,300 yuan per capita, up 61.84%.

However, brokerages day only in 2015. After received hefty bonuses, brokers in the industry means that this is probably the happiest day in recent years, and in the future can only wait for the next bull market.

Senior hard

Jinbei vehicle 24 skinflint

A-shares are still more than one "senior miser", kept silent on the dividends for many years.

Annual report data show that since 2000, the two cities have 91 companies have never been dividends, including Datang Telecom (600198) and other stars. While Gold Cup Auto (600609) to 24 "skinflint" records became miser "fighter".

List of listed companies don't pay dividends year after year there is "King of the ghost shares" a (000025), the company's last dividend was in 1994.

Market analysts believe that some book has undistributed profits but not for dividends of foreign companies, expansion, investment is the eternal reason, the dividend payment is an important obligation of listed companies, if always claimed that investment without dividends, this also does not make sense, the listed companies also lost the need.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Listed companies annual salary

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上市公司高管千万年薪几近绝迹 土豪式分红频现|上市公司|年薪_新闻资讯










  与地产公司的降薪相比,迎来“丰”年的券商则是慷慨发钱。国金证券总经理金鹏2015年从公司获得的报酬总额为972.44 万元(税前),位居上市公司高管薪酬第四位。其2014年薪酬为363.52万元,增长达168%。






















  北京晨报首席记者 王洁














责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

上市公司 年薪


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