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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:34:04 Edit(编辑)
Guangdong Shantou’s tornado caused by over 300 houses ripped off the roof, 6 injured

Guangdong Shantou’s tornado caused by over 300 houses ripped off the roof, 6 injured(广东汕头龙卷风致超3百间房屋屋顶被掀,6人受伤)



Guangdong Shantou's tornado-induced Super lift 6 persons were injured in 300 houses roof is | | Shantou _ a tornado news

CNS, Shantou, April 24 (reporters Li Yiqing and Chen Zerui)-24th, Chaoyang District, Shantou city, Guangdong Golden tornado emergency town, killing more than 300 houses roofs were lifted, wounded 6 villagers, currently injured villagers have been sent to hospital for medical treatment.

24th, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Chaoyang Golden tornado emergency town, more than 170 different degree of more than 300 homes damaged, roofs were lifted, things were blowing rickety. Some of the villagers were injured, the injured was sent to hospital for medical treatment, which still further in the statistical verification.

Local witnesses said that after the tornado, part of the roof of the House were overturned, motor scooters, chairs were blown, site is a mess.

Chaoyang district spokesman said that the afternoon of 24th, after the disaster of the tornado, the district Party Committee Secretary Chen Xinzao led to disaster in the first, held an emergency meeting and set up a special disposal working group, disaster handling, personnel management, mass resettlement work. Commissioned by the Secretary of the Shantou municipal Committee Chen Liangxian, Chen Xinzao 3 affected villagers and school condolences reassure victims. While an immediate medical power, great effort to rescue the injured. And redeployment of relief organizations, arranged for the basic livelihood of the affected people, requires police to deploy additional police forces, strengthen the shift on duty, to improve public security and order maintenance, inventory clearing disaster, ensure that all the affected people the safe transfer and further defense of severe convective weather.

Xinhua learned from the meteorological station in Shantou city, under the influence of strong upper trough and southwest of warm, humid air, precipitation in Shantou City continue to have moderate to heavy rain the next three days, accompanied by short-time strong convective weather such as heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. (End)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Tornado in Shantou

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China News Network
广东汕头龙卷风致超3百间房屋屋顶被掀 6人受伤|龙卷风|汕头_新闻资讯

  中新网汕头4月24日电 (李怡青 陈泽锐)24日下午,广东汕头市潮阳区金灶镇突发龙卷风,造成300多间房屋屋顶被掀起,6名村民受伤,目前受伤村民已送医院救治。





责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

龙卷风 汕头


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