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published in(发表于) 2016/4/9 7:19:03 Edit(编辑)
Fujian’s first Freeway Chase driving penalty, fought to force stop stuffed a car accident

Fujian’s first Freeway Chase driving penalty, fought to force stop stuffed a car accident(福建首例高速公路追逐竞驶获刑,斗气逼停酿车祸)



Fujian's first Freeway Chase drove sentenced fought forced to stop brewing | | drive odds _ the highway the car accident news

Original title: high speed temper forced stop making competing drive, crash, Fujian's first Freeway Chase was sentenced

CNS, Quanzhou, April 9 (reporters Liao Jinglin and Amyin)-a small car on the highway "temperamental" forces stopped another car, leading drivers were forced to stop the car were later sped to truck rear, leading car driver died. 9th learned from high-speed traffic police detachment in Quanzhou, Fujian, Fujian's first Freeway Chase driving accidents are concerned, Wang had recently been sentenced to criminal detention and a fine of more than 100,000 yuan.

Police introduced incident occurred on July 12, 2015, shenhai Expressway, Quanzhou section of a truck rear car, one person was seriously injured and subsequently died.

After receiving the police investigation of the police, found on the trolley car stopped in the emergency lane involved, some in the fourth Lane, followed by a truck crash hit the door of his car for car drivers.

When the accident record, was forced to stop the car in the car with the driver's wife, talked about one detail: "there is a car in front we are forced to stop, so we stopped there, or won't be hit! The car in front is ' pence '. ”

Police investigators realized that the accident might not seem that simple, then cross-examination that: also encountered during an accident the driver at the wheel of a car, like throwing things after overtaking the car smashing into each other. Thus, two cars began to temper, eyeball, result directly forced the car ready for the car in front, two car persons out on the highway had a fight, after fight, in front of the car to leave.

Just parked the car driver when ready to drive a car again, behind a truck without brakes, speeding up, resulting in a severe collision.

Informed of this news, police then obtain monitoring for verification. According to reports, the section monitors the incident broke, not filmed sections of the incident. Police then via a bayonet vehicles cars recently.

Until the 23:45, was arrested for dangerous driving was found by identifying license plates, looking for the owner of the phone, the police quickly contacted the owner. But owners and passengers on the highway open grudge thing denied.

The next day, police GF Twitter app to find the incident through the driver, looking for witnesses, physical evidence. Subsequently, an enthusiastic driver of proof, in the same time period saw two disputed in the street fighting, and shows the vehicle traveling data recorder. Police rushed to Xiamen to provide forensics evidence where the driver of the transport company.

Eventually, the witnesses and evidence obtained by the police show that front fought with others, was forced to stop at the side of the highway, and car drivers, rush to the car, eventually leading to accidents.

On March 29, 2016, the case into court. Jinjiang Court showed that in addition to truck drivers bear the main responsibility, but behind Wang violation of traffic regulations, Chase drove on the Autobahn, feel free to change lanes to overtake, forced to stop the vehicle and aggravated its acts constituted the offence of dangerous driving, legally decided Wang guilty of dangerous driving and sentenced to criminal detention and a fine of more than 100,000 yuan.

Dangerous driving refers to drunken driving on a road vehicle, or driving a motor vehicle on a road Chase drive, vile behavior. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Highway driving odds

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China News Network
福建首例高速公路追逐竞驶获刑 斗气逼停酿车祸|高速公路|开车斗气_新闻资讯

  原标题:高速斗气逼停酿车祸 福建首例高速公路追逐竞驶获刑

  中新网泉州4月9日电 (廖静林阿敏)一辆小车因在高速路上“斗气”逼停另一辆小车,导致被逼停小车司机被后面飞驰而来的货车追尾,导致小车司机现场抢救无效死亡。记者9日从福建泉州高速交警支队获悉,福建首例高速公路追逐竞驶导致车祸的涉事者王某,近日被处以拘役和十余万元的罚金。












责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

高速公路 开车斗气


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