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published in(发表于) 2016/4/7 6:29:13 Edit(编辑)
Shanghai new rules: If children do not “come back home often“ will affect personal credit,

Shanghai new rules: If children do not “come back home often“ will affect personal credit,(上海新规:子女若不“常回家看看”将影响个人信用,)



Shanghai new rules: If children do not "come back home often" will affect personal credit-Shanghai, credit, legal, parents, seniors, filial piety-IT information

The protection of rights and interests of the elderly in Shanghai City Ordinance implemented from May 1 this year, in terms of spiritual support to reassert family member "come back home often" requirement, and further, the rooms at the pension institutions for the aged, family members to "go see".

If the children and other family members refused to visit the old man and the old man could sue, asking them to perform the obligation to visit Shanghai prosecution of the Court in accordance with the elderly, make decisions, ask their children to go home or to the pension institutions to visit. If a party refuses to implement this judgement, relevant information will be included in the credit platform, work-life of the party will have a certain impact.

Creation of system of old-age care institutions to remind

The Ordinance creates a reminder system for old-age care institutions. In the Ordinance amendment process, Legislative Affairs Office also noted that some elderly residing in the institutions, because in a relatively unfamiliar environment, children and family member comes to visit and demand is very strong.

Therefore, in order to remind those who will be sent to the pension institutions to care for family members of the elderly cannot be sent, but to visit often to give spiritual comfort, the Ordinance provides, inter alia, for rooms at the pension institutions for the aged, family members should visit often; family members for a long time did not see the elderly, old-age care institutions could make recommendations, urge them to visit.

Recently, the Municipal Government Development Research Center has been open to the public tender subject, family responsibility for realization of thematic studies. Authorities were to carry out special research, healthy elderly activist network.

80 years old free notary

In October 2013 and in October 2014, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice launched a one-month "two" pro bono legal service activities, free of charge the elderly over the age of 80 will notarized free of charge the elderly over the age of 60 will keep.

Chen Chunlan, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal judicial Bureau points out that starting from October 2015, exploring the "two" service normalization. Elderly friends as long as they are eligible, you can at any time apply to a notary in the city "two" service, we will provide help in this regard.

In addition, for, legal aid, subject to this condition and age at 60 years of age or older, wills, bequests, maintenance agreement, necessary if a maintenance agreement, maintenance agreements, notarial matters such as community property division agreement, after application, the city's notary industry was also free notary service fee.

With Shanghai's economic and social development, increase of the elderly population, as well as the implementation of the policy concerned, Shanghai financial said yesterday that will further increase investment in undertakings for the aged.

上海新规:子女若不“常回家看看”将影响个人信用 - 上海,信用,法律,父母,老年人,孝顺 - IT资讯

《上海市老年人权益保障条例》 今年5月1日起开始实施,在精神赡养方面重申家庭成员“常回家看看”的规定,并进一步明确,对入住养老机构的老年人,家庭成员要“常去院看看”。











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