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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:00:13 Edit(编辑)
Retired Soviet aircraft carrier will be located in Nantong, Jiangsu to build military Park

Retired Soviet aircraft carrier will be located in Nantong, Jiangsu to build military Park(前苏联退役航母将落户江苏南通,打造军事公园)



Decommissioned aircraft carrier of the Soviet military Park will be located in Nantong, Jiangsu to build aircraft carrier Jiangsu Nantong | | _ news
Minsk Park. Xi Lin photography

Original title: Minsk "located in" Jiangsu Nantong countdown

CNS, Nanjing, April 5 (reporters Xi Lin and Chen Fuguang and Zhu Xiaoying)-carrier "located in" Countdown in Nantong in Jiangsu Province. 5th from Nantong Maritime Bureau was informed that Minsk will first sail to Zhoushan, Zhejiang, exterior paint, is expected to arrive in Nantong in late April.

2nd, in the witness of many citizens and tourists, Minsk "oil in the sea 281" pulled off with the help of piers, said goodbye to Nestle in 16 years in Shenzhen Dapeng Bay, bound for "new home"-Jiangsu Nantong Suzhou-Nantong science and technology park.

According to the Maritime Bureau of Nantong revealed that Minsk will arrive in about 6 days a shipyards in Zhoushan, Zhejiang. About half a month, shipyard workers to comprehensive aircraft carrier hull rust coating operations. Is expected in late April, the brand new Minsk will start heading for "new home".

According to data provided by the maritime safety administration of Nantong, Minsk about 42,000 tons of displacement, the deck area equivalent to 3 standard football field, the towing maximum draught of 7.4 m, 58.93 m above the waterline, the whole ship size is the equivalent of an 18-story apartment building.

Minsk does not have drive capability, and there is no anchor. If the accident happens, vulnerable to colliding with other ships in the waterway dangerous situations.

Nantong Marine Board staff, after Minsk towed into the Yangtze River, to, about 100 km reach downstream of the Sutong bridge in Changshu sea anchorage. "Aircraft carrier about 100 km journey can not stop, cannot rely on must be ' code ' towing. ”

In addition, aircraft carrier permanently stationed in berth water depth, are unable to meet their safe passage, which will open up a new temporary access for its arrival, "one-time" use.

It is understood that after the carrier entered Nantong section of Yangtze River, will be released to the maritime sector navigational warnings coastal patrol boat maintenance. Vessel traffic management center will be through the VHF loop safety information.

As flagship of the Pacific fleet of the former Soviet Union, Minsk was a symbol of the Soviet Navy during the cold war the main, started in 1972 in Nikolai on the shore of the Black Sea shipyard built, built in 1978 to serve. After the end of the cold war, the Soviet Union, the carrier retired in 1994.

At present, Minsk aircraft carrier-owned Lear aircraft carrier project in Jiangsu Province is divided into aircraft carrier world, Wetland Park, Dreamworld in three parts. "Aircraft carriers of the world" is located in the West of Sutong bridge, "aircraft carriers of the world," will Center on Minsk, combined fleet, the submarine display as well as a wealth of performance and create an atmosphere the magnificent atmosphere of the military. "Aircraft carriers of the world" is completed, will be the most characteristic of Nantong military Park. (End)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Carrier, Nantong, Jiangsu

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China News Network
前苏联退役航母将落户江苏南通 打造军事公园|航母|江苏南通_新闻资讯
明思克航母离泊起拖。 郗林 摄


  中新网南京4月5日电 (郗林 陈福广 朱晓颖)航母“落户”江苏南通进入倒计时。记者5日从南通海事局获悉,明思克航母将先驶往浙江舟山进行外表涂装,预计4月下旬抵达南通。











航母 江苏南通


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