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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:00:10 Edit(编辑)
Resolution: Aung San Suu Kyi invited Wang to visit Myanmar what signal

Resolution: Aung San Suu Kyi invited Wang to visit Myanmar what signal(解析:昂山素季邀王毅访缅甸传递哪些信号)



Analysis: Aung San Suu Kyi invited Wang to visit Wang Yi, what signals | | Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar _ news

Original title: invited Wang to visit Aung San Suu Kyi-Burma what signal?

Myanmar's Foreign Minister invites Aung San Suu Kyi, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi 5th began a two-day official visit to Myanmar. New April 1 has just opened the curtain of governance of the Government of Myanmar, Myanmar experts believe that Foreign Minister Wang's visit is an important and timely diplomatic action, was a trip to neighborly.

  Access to important and timely

King's Foreign Minister visited Myanmar, Myanmar received the first Foreign Minister of the new Government. Restoration Council of Burma experts think of Xinhua News Agency, which indicates that the Myanmar Government cherishes tradition between the peoples of the two countries "paukphaw" friendship and attached much importance to the development of good neighborly relations and cooperation between the two countries.

On March 30, after Aung San Suu Kyi as Myanmar Foreign Minister, Wang congratulated the Foreign Minister urged, noting that Myanmar "paukphaw" friendship is even stronger than before, the traditional good neighborly cooperation brought tangible benefits to the two peoples. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the two countries to promote the development of Sino-Myanmar relations have played an important role. China is ready to work closely with the Myanmar side to advance comprehensive strategic partnership efforts with Myanmar.

Xinhua correspondent in Yangon, Myanmar Zhuang Beining learned, under the arrangement, Wang after the arrival of Foreign Ministers, will meet with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visiting Myanmar, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Meet some reporters will be allowed to shoot them at the beginning of. After the meeting, the two Foreign Ministers was seen journalists and answer your questions.

  Country Parties are looking forward to

In the Myanmar capital Naypyidaw in an interview the way Foreign Minister Wang's visit, Zhuang Beining told Xinhua international client, Burmese Foreign Minister's visit to the King and the media to pay more attention. 4th night King of Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, published after the Foreign Minister's visit, the Xinhua News Agency branch in Yangon in Myanmar language published on the platform of Burmese language news. Many netizens after seeing comment. Some netizens said, welcome to visit Foreign Minister Wang.

The news also attracted the attention of the local media. Myanmar local "SkyNet" (SkyNet) station directly linked to branches in Yangon, to obtain authorization to broadcast the news.

Zhuang Beining said Burma's people hope that economic development to restore prosperity. Myanmar officials have repeatedly said will pursue an independent foreign policy in the early, regardless of size, and will make friends with all countries, improve their relationships and neighbors in particular, to improve relations, but who will not make a difference. The new Administration's China diplomatic considerations should also coincide with this idea.

  May the good neighbor partner

Myanmar has more than 2,200 kilometers of common borders, the maintenance and promotion of peace, stability and development in the border areas of the two countries, in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

Restoration Council said that the Sino-Myanmar bilateral trade and Chinese investment in Myanmar respectively in Myanmar's foreign trade and attract foreign investment holds about one-third shares, and such a portrayal is of mutual benefit and win-win economic ties and promote the continued development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Is the community of interests of the two countries, no reason not to make partner.

In his view, between China and Myanmar in promoting the China-ASEAN free trade area, Bangladesh-India-Myanmar economic corridors, LAN Mae dialogue and cooperation mechanism and "along the way" construction and the promotion of regional peace and the development of shared aspirations and common interests. Both sides could deepen pragmatic cooperation to achieve win-win than good. (Reporter du Jian Xu Xiaolei editor Wang Fengfeng, reported Xinhua international client)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Wang Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

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  他认为,中缅两国在推动中国-东盟自贸区、孟中印缅经济走廊、澜湄对话合作机制和“一带一路”建设以及促进地区和平与发展等方面有着共同愿望和共同利益。双方完全可以深化务实合作,实现多利共赢。(记者 杜健 徐晓蕾 编辑 王丰丰,新华国际客户端报道)


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