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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:00:01 Edit(编辑)
Pingtan in Fujian Province issued the first “time for travelling to Taiwan passport“

Pingtan in Fujian Province issued the first “time for travelling to Taiwan passport“(福建平潭签发首张“一次有效往来台湾通行证”)



Pingtan in Fujian Province issued the first "time for travelling to Taiwan pass" | "for travelling to Taiwan passes _ news
Liu Haifeng (right) got the first "time for travelling to Taiwan passport"

Original title: Pingtan, issued the first "time for travelling to Taiwan passport"

Fujian Strait of rule of law-the rule of law online, April 5, April 1, Yichang Liu Haifeng in Pingtan immigration processing Hall won "time for travelling to Taiwan pass", this is the Pingtan issued by the public security organ's first province residents to visit Taiwan tourism between passes. Liu moved to ask: "originally wanted to go to Taiwan, to return to domicile registration and handled directly in Pingtan, the hardship of travel between the two places, so convenient! ”

With the deepening of Pingtan FTA construction, staff travel to Pingtan, outside the province is increasing. Based on Pingtan's unique geographic advantage and convenient channel for Taiwan, the Ministry of public security conferred Pingtan "non-residents of Pingtan in Fujian province to Taiwan island group may, by a qualified travel agents to Pingtan exit and entry Administration Department of public security organs to apply between Taiwan pass and group endorsements" immigration deal, and was implemented yesterday.

At the issuing ceremony, Pingtan immigration Deputy detachment Captain Lin Peijie issued to Liu Haifeng Pingtan's first "entry and exit for travelling to Taiwan passport".

Accepted Liu Haifeng Lin of civilian police request for accreditation at the end of 2012 begin to engage in work. She tells is written: "Although only about 3 years, but she experienced ' e-unity of the Hong Kong and Macao permits MTPs '' three '' spread-sheet ', a series of measures for the convenience, now for Mainland residents to Taiwan tourist pass, from a police point of view I feel Pingtan work progress. ”

(Reporter Zhou Jiao Jiao Zhu Shuofeng correspondents)

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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Time for travelling to Taiwan passes

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Fujian, the rule of law


  福建法治报-海峡法治在线4月5日讯 4月1日,湖北宜昌的刘海峰在平潭出入境办证大厅拿到了“一次有效往来台湾通行证”,这也是平潭公安机关发放的首张省外居民赴台湾旅游往来通行证。刘先生感慨:“原来想去台湾,还要回户籍所在地办理手续,如今直接在平潭办理,省了两地奔波之苦,太方便了!”




  (记者 朱硕峰 通讯员 周娇娇)

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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