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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 6:59:52 Edit(编辑)
Member of the Chinese calligraphers Association, clearing 18:16 people with official background

Member of the Chinese calligraphers Association, clearing 18:16 people with official background(中国书协清理18名会员:16人有官方背景)



Member of the Chinese calligraphers Association, clearing 18:16 people with official background

China Youth daily news on April 5, Chinese calligrapher's Association (hereinafter the "Association") recently expelled from 6 members to suspend membership of 12 people, officials again serves as Association leadership issues into the public spotlight.

Reporters found, 18 and 16 per cent of members of the cleanup officials, heads of State-owned enterprises or other people with official background. Among them, the Guangdong provincial CPPCC Chairman Chen Shaoji, Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Committee of the original Wang Youjie, 6 people was sentenced for crimes, dismissed Chinese calligraphers Association membership, another 12 people on suspicion of crimes being investigated, suspended by Association membership.

Insiders told reporters that officials who is a common phenomenon in association leadership positions. In early December 2014, Association President Zhou Yibo, Shaanxi Province in the people's daily published Association of calligraphers and less "bureaucratic airs" a paper criticizing some leaders had "no", part-time all kinds of associations, called on to quit a part-time job. Early in 2013, the Association has a 62-person Bureau in Shaanxi Province, Executive Vice President and Vice President only adds up to 34 people.

Zhou Yibo said in the article, why do leaders now give yourself a position? For some people, the reason is very simple, but money is justifiably, acquiesced in James bribe; people are painting and calligraphy Association crowd, especially poor individual works, but sold well, actually is using the guise of association leaders ' pockets.

Central inspection group had informed the Shaanxi Province as the cultural art, some leading cadres play prevailed, keen on painting and calligraphy friendship activities, there is a risk of corruption and other problems. Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee were to reform. Cleared 8 provincial leaders served as Association President, Vice President and other issues, former Vice Chairman of CPPCC, has resigned as President of the provincial association duties. Strengthen leading cadres held illegal cleaning activities, participation in the exhibition of painting and calligraphy, pen, for the verification of the source of funds. Strengthen the education of leading cadres of discipline and healthy delight of life, formulated with regard to strictly regulate the Office of provincial-level leading cadres involved in the Organization of cultural activities in the regulations.

According to the Central Commission for discipline inspection Ministry website reported that at the 18 session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection on the five plenary, highlighting some of the local association "bureaucratic airs" too heavy issues, Wang said: "some leaders ' script didn't write directly running cursive, also mounted a gift. ”

From the beginning of 2015, local cadres in various calligraphy, painting, photography and other art association leadership positions of special cleaning.

Shaanxi Association website to view journalists log on March 31, found that the fourth session of the Bureau, with the exception of Shaanxi Province, former Vice President, Shaanxi Provincial Committee of 8 Deputy departmental level, Ministers of the United Front work Department of the original (including level before the retired cadre) outside the above officials to resign, there are still 27 Vice Chairmen.

People's daily online in 2015, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hainan, Fujian and other part-time phenomenon exists in more than more than 10 provincial calligraphers ' Association officials and register 15 officials. China Youth daily reporter queries found today 15 people still have 9 people serve on the Association.

Public administration, Peking University Professor Zhao Chenggen told reporters:

"Not only calligraphers Association and other social groups, the University also has many officials from serving. Involved between political, business and academic circles, forming a connection between the elite and entrenched interests. ”

He said at present the main problem is, some artistic skills of public officials, professional standards are not up to standard, but by joining the Association and other social institutions, arty, improve grades grade. Relationship between social institutions have also adopted and officers climbed to the top to get the tilt, having to take care of the resources.

A typical example is that on September 21, 2014, Party Secretary Qin Yuhai, Deputy Director of the Henan provincial people's Congress, the original Lok. In addition to the official labels, Qin Yuhai also is Director of the China Photographers Association and Henan photographer Association Honorary President, dozens of paintings in the national award winning photography exhibition game, has won China's top photography awards "Awards", and exhibited in Paris. Photographic equipment of its tens of millions of Yuan were corporate sponsors.

Beijing calligrapher Association Vice President Peng Liming thought, power and art, is separated, there should be no necessary connection.

Not individual officials, but under cover of a arts and power mixed with artist team. In his view, such a person should be removed, piece of art, and those who abuse power for personal gain, and even borrow art for money trading money officials must be severely punished by the law.

Abuse of administrative rights hands of literary and art circles is self-evident. Zhu lijia, a professor at the National School of administration, and officials in some artistic skills do not meet the membership criteria, when power makes its appreciation of the work, with the "Ministers" or the title of calligraphy and paintings, for officer's Cap added. Such actions not only undermine the credibility of the Association, and also leave the back door for corruption.

Official "Ya rot", "Ya bribe" behavior, calligrapher Aixinjueluo Yu Jun told reporters: "art is the heritage of Chinese culture should not become vulgar noble even transaction. "He believes this collection of 18 members was a sign of progress.

"It reflects the overall principle of strictly administering the party, no taboo, no dead ends, any field, anywhere when it comes to public corruption, official bribery in any form or means, should be given careful and serious management and resolution. "Professor at the Central Party school said Zhang Xixian.

Zhang Xixian reminded, in addition to corruption and rent-seeking is exposed in the process of governing the country according to law, new problems will continue in the future, to solve a new problem.

Media analysts believe that the officials meet the membership criteria can be ordinary members of the Association, but it should not be a leader.

Zhao Chenggen believes that official part-time Association of "bludgeoning". In his analysis, some of the artistic skills of public officials is to meet the membership criteria should be measured in artistic standards, professional standards. Apart from social organizations, colleges and universities, Zhao Chenggen come into contact with a lot of professional officials, officials he considered part-time PhD, Professor jobs, is good for academic progress.

But Zhu lijia, said, from the perspective of public management, in Government, academia and business have to have strict boundaries, especially for national public officials, or easy to involve national interest and encourage corruption.

On the Association of reform, said Zhao Chenggen, to strengthen public supervision. Also, States should enact regulatory system on personnel recruitment standards and programs, run by community groups to develop detailed options for greater control.



Chinese calligrapher's Association announcement

2016 1th

For maintenance China calligrapher Association (following referred to this will) interests and reputation, according to China calligrapher Association articles (December 7, 2015 China calligrapher Association seventh times National Congress second times all representative Conference through) 22nd article of provides, by China calligrapher Association Secretary-General Office discussion decided, reported this will Bureau approved, on violated national legal, and regulations and the about discipline, violation this will articles, and social morality, and art moral, Damage the interests and reputation of the Chinese calligraphers Association, Member for processing. Process the results are announced as follows:

First, in view of Chen Shaoji (Guangdong), Wang Youjie (Henan), Yang Chengwei (straight), Sun Zhuozhang (Inner Mongolia), Zhang Yuezhong (Zhejiang), Guan Songsheng (Jiangsu) crimes were sentenced, decided on the date of the release of this bulletin, dismissed these 6 individuals of Chinese calligraphers ' Association membership.

II, and given stretch (Fujian), and Huang Qiaosheng (Fujian), and Yu Yuanhui (Guangxi), and Xiaopeng (power), and Wang Liang (Beijing), and guguangsheng (Guangdong), and Nie Dangquan (Guangdong), and Fang Wenping (PLA), and Qin Jianxiao (Shanxi), and Dong Hongyun (Shanxi), and Zhang Kuanli (Shanxi), and Lee volume (in the straight) suspected illegal crime was survey, decided since this announcement released of day up suspended above 12 people China calligrapher Association membership, stay about case statutory program end Hou, again do further processing.

Hereby notice.

Chinese Association of calligrapher

The March 28, 216

  Attachment: relevant provisions of the Chinese calligraphers Association

22nd article members and governing for violated national legal, and regulations and the about discipline, violation this will articles, and social morality, and art moral, damage this will interests and reputation of, depending on plot weight, by must program Hou, by standing will led institutions discussion decided, reported this will Bureau approved, can respectively give criticism education, and informed criticism, and suspended membership, and fired membership and the canceled governing qualification, processing, and corresponding be announcement.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-04-05 16:24:57



































  第二十二条 会员和理事因违犯国家法律、法规及有关纪律,违反本会章程、社会公德、艺术道德,损害本会权益和声誉的,视情节轻重,经一定程序后,由驻会领导机构讨论决定,报本会主席团批准,可分别给予批评教育、通报批评、暂停会籍、开除会籍及取消理事资格等处理,并相应予以公告。

(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-04-05 16:24:57

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