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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 6:59:29 Edit(编辑)
Hangzhou cemetery crash survivor

Hangzhou cemetery crash survivor(杭州公墓车祸幸存女孩)



Hangzhou cemetery crash survivor: cold fear dad use clothing to cover up | cemetery | crash _ news

Original title: cemetery crash survivor: father cold with clothes to cover up

Clarity, this is the day when every household jisao ancestors, but this tomb was not peaceful.

The day before yesterday, the Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed 50-car pileup, resulting in 3 dead and 31 injured. The day before yesterday, Nanjing-Hangzhou high-speed rollover a bus with 37 people on board the bus, killing 15 persons were injured in 6 of them seriously.

Yesterday, at the Hangzhou Xiaoshan pond cemetery, a Mercedes-Benz sport utility vehicle out of control crowd rushed to the tomb sweeping, left 4 dead, 5 persons were injured in a major traffic accident.

Tomb-sweeping day seems to be the Tomb robbery, but these disasters are due to the word "accident".

Yesterday afternoon in Xiaoshan reservoir pond cemetery, car accident, broke the 2 families peace of mind. Especially anyone who saw the accident at the scene of the surviving ones, how to face such a tragic reality?!


A family of 6 go to

Father and Uncle are so lost ...

Xu, Xiaoshan kanshan (de Lek) native, 40 years old this year, without her husband and his brother in the car accident. Themselves and their mother was injured, because they do not directly hit by the car, so the injury is not serious.

Information chart

Xu was lying on the bed, stand by her side is 13 years old daughter Wenwen, Wenwen tell us the whole story.

1 dad and Uncle are flying

After lunch yesterday, Wenwen family of 6 (Wenwen, Grandma, MOM, Dad, uncle, uncle's daughters) go to the grave.

"We were at the graves on the right side of the Road downhill," Wen Wen recalled, "to grave-sweepers going to the cemetery to the left side of the road after the end, it needs to cross the road. ”

At that time, the mother and grandmother remained in the cemetery on the right soon, Wen Wen and her cousin (uncle's daughter) are here waiting, dad and uncle go to his car trunk to take things.

"I heard a big sound of throttle and brakes. "Wen wen said," I'm wondering what is happening on the mountain traffic accident? Did not think right now has a tire a lot of Mercedes sport utility vehicle down. "This Mercedes-Benz SUV stumbled, hit on the left side in the down direction, first crashed into a monument, then car lost control and hit back on the road the Wenwen's father and uncle, both of them crashed after flying into Wenwen's Ford.

"My father and uncle was flying! "Wen wen said this tears almost flow out," the car didn't stop, until Ford hit our House. ”

2 covered with clothes for my father, for fear he ...

"Bang" sound, Ford was dashed out into the opposite lane before it stopped, and Mercedes-Benz will be turned over to the right side of the ditch.

Wenwen and cousin to move back a step, after the presence of, only to find that father is flying to the left side of the road, my uncle was flying to the right side of the road under the tombstone, and her mother and grandmother were also the tombstone fragments were crushed. Wenwen quickly rushed over and found dad's clothes were dashed in the car, her clothes torn. At this time, the father has no strength to speak ... ...


"I'm afraid he cold, Dad covered up in clothes, at his side. "Wen Wen cried and said," I know that dad has not come, but I'm afraid he's cold...... "


Grandma on Wen Wen's uncle on the side crying, for help. Her 9 year old cousin around their father has been turned around, a loss.

Wenwen carrying a mother of 3 boys will cry

"The family happily go to, who knows this kind of thing will happen......" Xu wanted to cry but no tears lay in a hospital bed.

"Don't say......" cousin to comfort her.

"He hit us, escaped when he got lost?! "Xu shouted angrily.

Wenwen is sensible, as long as MOM spoke, she would cry, serve MOM. Could not help but when turned to lie on the door crying, crying out and then come back.

Wenwen said the father at the nearby General Electric (sound) to work, usually my mother at home taking care of father and daughter. "Now Daddy, don't know what to do ... ”

My father and sister both died

Intracranial hemorrhage of the 6 year old sister is still not out of danger

In Riverside District of the province, another 6-year-old girl, injured TINGTING (sound), is in the emergency. Her intracranial hemorrhage is the most serious case, the situation is not optimistic.

As of 11 o'clock last evening for a long time, TINGTING is still in a coma in the intensive care room, not yet out of danger.

Relatives said that TINGTING altogether there are four people in my family, father, mother, elder sister and TINGTING, father and sister died in this accident.

"This afternoon, the father took the two sisters go to, my mother didn't go to, but accidents have taken place. Now the mother entrusted to our wounded child, yourself at home and take care of husband and daughter's funeral. "Relatives said she said crying," could not pass well, a normal driving, it can suddenly become such a hit so many people? ”

Relatives said that Ting Ting's father, 39 years old, surnamed yan, was a pillar of the family, and the eldest daughter was 12 years old. "Is a native of Xiaoshan, General home condition. Good family all of a sudden the two, then what? "Outside the emergency room, fast food, relatives without moving.

This sudden tragedy

Police characterized as a major traffic accident suspect has been captured

April 4, 7:21 P.M., accident suspected Shen (male, 51 years old, guali town, Xiaoshan District) in Yuhang district, were captured. It is understood that and circulating on the Internet is different, Shen is not a real estate company's boss. At present, the police have characterized this accident as a major traffic accident. Left 4 dead and 5 wounded.

Village Road is the only road in and out of the cemetery, did not distinguish between motorways and non-motorway. This section of the ramp s bend 3-"Hairpin".


S-shaped back is a long, straight downhill, where the accident happened, were in the middle of a long downhill section.

Journalists testing the next, without stepping on the throttle slide cases, reached the road, speed of 40 km/h, if in case of emergency, on the narrow mountain roads have been more difficult to control.

Information chart

At the Cemetery entrance, remind the drivers to observe the ramp two blocks dangerous warning sign, ironically this warning sign in the deformation caused by the tragedy hit in the afternoon.

At present, the case is being further investigated.

A car accident, so that the number of families falling apart? When behind the wheel, while flexing your foot, be sure to keep in mind safe driving. Tell drivers around, don't let this kind of tragedy happen again, don't let accidents earlier than tomorrow.

Source: Hangzhou daily

Responsible editor: Zhao Jiaming SN146

Article keywords:
Cemetery car accident

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  原标题:公墓车祸幸存女孩:怕爸爸冷 用衣服给他盖起来












  1 爸爸和舅舅被撞飞了




  “我听到一阵很大的油门声,然后又是一阵刹车声。”雯雯说,“我就在想山上是不是发生什么交通事故了?没想到马上就有一辆轮胎很大的奔驰越野车冲下山来。” 这辆奔驰越野车跌跌撞撞,朝下山方向的左侧撞去,先是撞上了一座墓碑,随后汽车又失控回到山路上撞了雯雯的爸爸和舅舅,将两人撞飞后又撞上了雯雯家的福特车。


  2 给爸爸盖上衣服,怕他冷。。。


  雯雯和表妹吓到得朝后退了一个台阶,定神后,才发现爸爸被撞飞到山路左侧,舅舅被撞飞到山路右侧的墓碑下,而妈妈和外婆也被墓碑碎片砸伤了。 雯雯赶紧冲过去,发现爸爸的衣服都被撞得勾在了车上,身上的衣服被撕裂了。这时,爸爸已经没有力气说话……





  3 懂事的雯雯背着妈妈才会流泪







  6岁妹妹颅内出血 仍未脱离危险期





  亲戚们透露,婷婷的爸爸39岁,姓颜,是家里顶梁柱,而大女儿也才12岁。“都是萧山本地人,家里条件一般。好好的一家人一下子没了两个,接下去怎么办?” 急诊室外,快餐来了,亲戚们一口也没动。


  警方定性为重大交通事故 嫌犯已被抓获

  4月4日晚7点21分,肇事嫌疑人沈某(男,51岁,萧山区瓜沥镇人)在余杭区被抓获。据了解,和网上流传的不同,沈某并不是某房产公司的老总。 目前,警方将这起车祸定性为重大交通事故。事故造成4人死亡、5人受伤。










责任编辑:赵家明 SN146

公墓 车祸


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