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published in(发表于) 2016/4/4 7:41:38 Edit(编辑)
Internet is no longer the exclusive terms! ,

Internet is no longer the exclusive terms! ,(Internet不再是专属名词!,)



Internet is no longer the exclusive terms! -The Internet, the Internet-IT news

According to foreign media reports, starting from this summer, many foreign media will abandon the traditional old traditional customs of the tech press, Internet exclusive terms of capital "the Internet".

AP recently announced that "Internet" will no longer be the exclusive terms, they will in the future on major news stories in the lowercase Internet,Web you still use traditional forms of lowercase. This change will be released this summer, the associated press began using after the 2016 Edition Stylebook.

While it is the associated press′s announcement, but due to many foreign newspapers and websites are in accordance with AP style news, so this means that in the future the Internet will fade out of sight, exclusive terms of previous Internet "the Internet" will no longer exist.

When the Internet became a specific noun? Is actually from Internet communications (Internet) the term began, however, there are a lot of people have pointed out, is now the Internet and the significance of the Internet at that time are not the same and there is a big difference. We often talk about the Internet (the Internet) is just one among the many meaningful Internet. It′s like the Sun, which means Sun, and after when it comes to small, it stars as a representative of a planetary system.

Internet不再是专属名词! - Internet,互联网 - IT资讯

据外媒报道,从今天夏天开始,很多传统的外国媒体将放弃传统的老式科技新闻界的习俗,即互联网的专属名词大写的“the Internet”。



Internet何时成为一个专属名词?实际上是从internet communications(互联网通信)这个词开始的,不过现在有很多人指出,现在人们口中的internet和那个时候的internet的意义并不相同而且有很大的区别。我们现在常说的internet(互联网)的意思只是其internet众多意义之中的一个。这就像是the Sun,它的意思是太阳,而当它变成小写之后,它则是代表一个行星系统中的恒星而已。

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