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published in(发表于) 2016/4/4 7:40:59 Edit(编辑)
Bosses can’t stand! Guangzhou restaurant robot waiters are “fired“

Bosses can’t stand! Guangzhou restaurant robot waiters are “fired“(老板受不了!广州餐厅机器人服务员被“炒鱿鱼”,)



Bosses can′t stand! Guangzhou restaurant robot waiter was "fired"-robots, restaurant-IT information

From sweeping robot, robot factory, some time ago, "Alpha Dog" and Li Shishi of the man-machine war, artificial intelligence is enough popularity. Robot in the infinite future lives at the same time, also raised the "substitution of the machine" concerns. However, such concerns are premature. Recently, journalists combing mass catering robot usage found in Guangzhou, had "hired" robot waiters of restaurants, there are two closed. Remaining a company is still in business, but the waiter was boss "fired".

Robot restaurant chain in Guangzhou, reporters have not see traces of the robot. Last year, the restaurant waiter with robots has attracted many members of the public "early adopters" dining. Now the clerk said: " robot cannot soup too much food and fail from time to time, the owner will not be used . "It is understood that the robot room only along the fixed lines, together with the restaurant personnel, robots do not know how to Dodge, serving easily fell over, and even cause accidents .

In addition, the robot of service level is also very limited. Service experienced robot Miss Wang said: "the service is somewhat limited, unable to order water, points of order or just want to end it . "Miss Wang said, serve more of the robot is mechanical in nature," human nature "is not enough.

In fact, employ robotic restaurant does not service hold out much hope for the robot. "First introduced the robot waiters are mainly considering the restaurant you get noticed. "Guangzhou steamed robot restaurant manager Wang told reporters, the robot can attract customers, but it does not save labor.

Reporters discovered that some meals and enterprises using a bot is also not out of choice. A robot hotpot restaurant closed in, Baiyun district, Guangzhou, principal Liang complained: "the catering personnel flow has been great, just at the beginning of 6 staff, only back in year 1. "Hire a robot waiter, just" shortage "last-ditch move.

Robot waiters blocks were "fired", but experts say, "employing" robot waiter, does not mean that the machines could replace people; robot was "fired", also does not suggest that robot is inefficient. In addition to the current robot technology is not yet mature, the bigger problem is that robot development and application of human and robot misperceptions as to the relationship.

There, experts say, robot development needs by sector and on the robot was "fired" because it does not fit for service. "In the manufacturing sector, future robots will increase, less artificial. In the field of intellectual services, artificial inputs will increase accordingly. "Guangdong University Vice President Zhang Yun explained that, due to the manufacturing sector there are many repetitive tasks, available robots increase productivity and in the area of services, more interpersonal communication, it′s a robot can′t do that.

老板受不了!广州餐厅机器人服务员被“炒鱿鱼” - 机器人,餐厅 - IT资讯








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