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published in(发表于) 2016/4/3 6:17:39 Edit(编辑)
Network red the Readme: the gas too quickly, this line really bad mix,

Network red the Readme: the gas too quickly, this line really bad mix,(网红自述:过气太快,这行真不好混,)



Network red the Readme: the gas too quickly, this line really bad mix red-IT-network information

Aaron girlfriend "network red"; updates his girlfriend Lin is "net red"; Wang Sicong girlfriend "network red"; show girlfriend was "net red"; does not know when to start, "net red" term began in everywhere in our lives, even people around these entertainers have become "net red." Called the "2016 first net red" Papi sauce, with original short video content to raise 12 million Yuan, 300 million valuation. Ability to liquidate nets red economy how to build? It is a blip or a trend?

Had, talked about network red, has two a names is must will was contact Shang of, that is "Lotus sister" and "Phoenix sister", are said time is put killed pig knife, some when also will became "carved knife", with time of over, Lotus sister weight loss thin body into has inspirational typical, again no has those weird of styling, disappeared has a time Hou began again active in has everyone before; and "Phoenix sister" is ocean, came to United States, began from Wash feet sister dry up, no longer dream Dang "United States President".

As people for this when the fate of the two Marvel, red has been the rise of new generation of network. This year, the app in my circle of friends, Papi sauce started to welcome, "brain", "face value" is her label, is to go with the labels, by virtue of her original short video content to raise 12 million Yuan, worth 300 million valuation. Reticulocyte exactly how to do it? In interviews, many net red told reporters that initially just wanted to share some of my own custom online video, and realised that they really will become red .

"At first I didn′t want to fire or anything, because at the beginning you know that there are networks the word red, but are far from life, I started to put their record′s dance, because you as a dance teacher, teach many different finished product dancing every day, you forgot the basic front behind the teaching. And then I think I taught a dance I have to shoot down, you can look back at what, unexpectedly in the course of this record was found out, that′s it. My first fire was in "beauty shot" above, in the United States has more than 800,000 followers. "Small lips" was later to play up, anyway, we like to watch some of the dance, send some videos on it will be pulled down on top, would be some fans found that concerns me. Last year about this time, my perfect shot almost exactly a year, about this time, one year′s time. ”

Jing Jie, screen name "fan fan" after College began teaching jazz, first income is not high, but When fi red, San、sibei higher current income than in the past , also participated in the Jiangsu satellite TV two days ago a document titled "see your voice" programs, and performances together with movie star fan bingbing.

Fan Fan said: "certainly what, because a lot of people will get to know you, a lot of people will come looking for you, learn to dance, commercials on the show, is going to have some extra money, get better anyway. Also, there will be advertising, will look to you to make the promotion, brand or something. That sort of is the official website of the advertising will come to you participating, is a different form of all. Thousands of pieces, not thousands. Dang dance teacher, plainly is China of dancer is very less have, actually is very of less, I is because I now may has a network red of identity in, so only will in income photogenic more Yu other of teacher, on took we dance room of teacher than, on May is they of three or four times times such of, normal of dance teacher income is very very of not objective, is equivalent to a very very General of work family of income′s, thousands of block that. Now I may be a little better than it was before, then turned a few times, but did not achieve very good one. Other income is dancing with me, additional, advertisements and the like, it is because I can dance until there is such a thing. ”

However, the "net red" is not so good, this 26 year old girl says "network red", to describe in one word, is "love-hate", because in addition to the famous "realisation", just like a star, pressures also exist.

Rice Rice said: "network red with those star has is like, you also will fear expired, you also will fear one day others will, is replacement too fast has, has talent of people than you badly of people too more, you also will fear one day was replaced , but this certainly will, certainly has so day of, so is himself also is desperately is efforts, wants to this day late is, that, late is coming. After a reticulocyte is what you called, you act or move, you seem to like to ask you to become celebrities, you many things you can′t say, you many things you can′t do. This was often called, inexplicably being scolded, what was called, what would be called like this. I was called, of course, who has not been called. ”

网红自述:过气太快,这行真不好混 - 网红 - IT资讯









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