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published in(发表于) 2016/3/31 6:23:07 Edit(编辑)
Text message scams much easier? QQ groups who create fake websites,

Text message scams much easier? QQ groups who create fake websites,(短信诈骗有多容易?QQ群能请人制作假网站,)



Text message scams much easier? QQ groups who create fake Web-SMS, fraud-IT information

"Dear user: score 10000 points you bank card, according to 2.5%, please log in the website operate XXXXXXXXX. "August 21, 2015, in Shanghai changning district, Ann receives a message from the" Bank "message.

Miss King did not hesitate to open the site, follow the prompts to type their name, ID number, phone number, Reserve Bank cards, buttons and click on send verification code. Later, she will receive the verification code enter the Web site, just submitted, received a text message Bank, said she had successfully consume 5000 Yuan. Miss Wang that react just the points for SMS scam text messages.

Shanghai police have discovered that in less than two months, with more than more than 10 victims were cheated out of money by similar methods, involving, changning, Hongkou, Minhang, Pudong, PuTuo district, involving up to 50,000 yuan. The police immediately filing a case and started investigation. After a series of investigations, police in Fujian province on September 2 the suspect Lin captured.

Recently, the Shanghai Hongkou district people′s Procuratorate to have accepted false base station sending fraud messages implementing fraud case, is one of these cases.

Journalists surging from the Prosecutor′s Office was informed that after the Lin case, pleaded guilty of their crime. His account, 2015 to join a program called "XX text" QQ Group. In group chat, he learned through a fake base station sends phishing Web site methods to make money. Several chat tells him that this way to make money fast cost little in return. He was immediately asked if anyone in the group can make website, who can use the pseudo-BTS mass text messages.

Soon, the production site of Li QQ personal Lin. Lin asked the points of making a false Bank Web sites, requested names, identity card numbers, bank card number, and payment information such as passwords. Lee, according to Lin′s request to make a good website, and link the five seemingly Bank Web site domain name. Meanwhile, bulk SMS in a contact using the base station shemou, edit fraud SMS, allowing shemou to official numbers on behalf of the Group of banks.

Lin how fraud SMS can be used to get cash?

According to an account of the forest, as long as the victim down a phishing site, enter information as requested, he would see in the background. After getting this information, Lin call customer service telephone card balances. He used this information to affiliated third party payment through payment platform to purchase game cards, phone cards, and so on, and finally sold the card to cash.

In the interrogation, Lin pleaded guilty for their fraudulent use of credit card behavior. February 2016, the Hongkou district people′s Procuratorate prosecute credit card fraud to the forest, a. In March, Lin was sentenced to 7 months and fined 20,000 yuan.

短信诈骗有多容易?QQ群能请人制作假网站 - 短信,诈骗 - IT资讯










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