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published in(发表于) 2016/3/31 6:20:42 Edit(编辑)
Fire Security fool-proof, circle of friends the rumor warning strikes,

Fire Security fool-proof, circle of friends the rumor warning strikes,(防火防盗防愚人,朋友圈谣言预警来袭,)



Fire Security fool-proof, circle of friends the rumor alert-due to rumors, circle of friends-IT information

On March 31, tomorrow was the annual April Fool's day, each day, we often innocuous little joke on each other. But in some cases, will also take the opportunity to exploit some rumors, spread crazy in your circle of friends. To this end, the micro team on April Fool's day is approaching, rumors were deliberately released warning tomorrow and if you see the following message, don't believe it!

1, auto water fuel to replace gasoline

Rumor: Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of automotive fuel announced that, after 11 years of research a new automotive fuels-water fuel, will completely replace petrol and diesel.

The truth: Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that there was no such or similar studies, identified sources for April Fool's Day prank.

2, micro-charge system

Rumor: tiny letters will be implemented monthly members and charging system, users pay 10 Yuan a month is not limited to send micro-and 1MB users will be charged 1 Yuan, did not distinguish between Wi-Fi and GPRS traffic, and Q money paid can be used.

The truth: the team said, app and no implementation of these operational strategy, micro-basic features are free.

3, April 1, are not allowed to play mahjong

Rumor: starting April 1, all parlors will be investigated and dealt with, offenders who are 60 years of age will be 5 days in jail and a fine of 5000-10000 Yuan, low found lifetime cancelled the low qualifications of policy holders, civil servants to cancel the qualification of civil servants.

Truth: the police said that they had never received superiors issued the law enforcement management documents, which belong to the network rumors.

4, cell phone makes magnetic degaussing

Rumor: identity card, transportation card, credit cards can't be with your cell phone, mobile phone electromagnetic degaussing will cards at work.

The truth: only the magnetic strip card can be degaussed, bus cards, none of the second-generation ID card magnetic stripe. Bank cards have a magnetic strip, but emit electromagnetic waves of frequencies, not enough to produce a magnetic field changing bank card magnetic stripe information, so you don't have to worry about mobile phones and bank cards are put together can lead to degauss.

5, Chinese citizens to visit Australia visa-free 3 months

Rumor: the Australia Government recently concluded a bilateral agreement with the Chinese Government, from the implementation of reciprocal 90-day visa treaty next month.

The truth: according to the Australia Consulate General in Chengdu, staff responded, confirmed that "Australia visa" message is a sheer rumor, we can on its official website for visa information on the real.

6, disposable chopsticks can become dried

Rumor: disposable chopsticks to cut segment, after soaking the feeding process, and dried texture and appearance are very much alike. And graphic form, decrypt disposable chopsticks into a bamboo shoot.

The truth: a PhD in plant after several experiments, demonstrating that the chopstick shoots impossible.

7, a street to detonate gas canisters killed crews

Rumor: in 2010, xiaogan city, Hubei Province, China "Birch Zhen Yu ling Cun" one street with gasoline exploded gas canisters and 9 staff, were killed.

Truth: the local Government confirmed the news is rumor, "Birch Zhen Yu ling Cun" it doesn't exist, rumors also were arrested for spreading rumors and deliberately to disrupt public order, were sentenced to administrative detention on 5th, and a fine of 500 Yuan.

防火防盗防愚人,朋友圈谣言预警来袭 - 谣言,朋友圈 - IT资讯























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