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published in(发表于) 2016/3/30 7:35:38 Edit(编辑)
Most “broke up“, the Ministry Web site of what exists? ,

Most “broke up“, the Ministry Web site of what exists? ,(最强“爆料达人”,工信部网站到底是怎样的存在?,)



Most "broke up", the Ministry Web site of what exists? -Ministry, network license-IT information

Users not only need security, Enterprise, too. Their patented technology, little to their specialty products, requires active camouflage and concealment. But it is clear in the information age, want to keep absolute confidentiality will not be easy. In addition to the various intricacies of the upstream and downstream supply chain, as well as outside partners, such communications for mobile phones manufacturers, there is a hide out sooner or later: the Ministry.

? Is it is it is it

The Ministry tends to first before the new unpublished "meritorious service", became the first source of new machine for the first time exposure, such as hammer T2,OPPO R9 Plus early appearances. Just do not know in all media, and users see almost at the same time, vendors what the monologue.

▲ Never airs, deep and

In fact, we often say that "Ministry" early exposure of XXX is not accurate, the real "leak" source is not in the strict sense of the Ministry, but there are others. According to the quote referred to as Ministry of People's Republic of China Ministry of industry and information technology, is mainly responsible for the unification of industrial and communications planning, management, and standard industry work, specific we can to Baidu.

? Small science, the Ministry's LOGO looks like

Who on Earth is exposing new products? Are we wrong Ministry? Actually this is not, the Ministry operates a "telecommunication equipment's entry into network management" Web site (, as the telecommunication equipment certification centers you can device model number or certificate number, query the corresponding network license product information.

? Ministry of its telecommunication equipment's entry into network management website to query network access permission, right corner to enter the mobile network

In addition telecommunication equipment's entry into network administration Web site under a "mobile information network (" link, the copyright owner is the Ministry. This Web site, in the "new releases" in the navigation bar, and almost a month or so new phone list of certified network published an exhaustive, new "leak" is the source of this. As for the "telecommunication equipment's entry into network management" and "mobile network" in the relations between the two sites, you have me I have you, can be found by a b, b information in a query.

? In the "mobile Web" appears in the list of new network license in a month

Every commercially available mobile phone network license needs to go on sale before the Ministry of books after this procedure normally to the market, this company needs to be registered, on the need to buy a car is one thing. So the Ministry is an obstacle to the new exposure? Can't say that. A unified authentication can be standardized, after all, quality and quantity, avoids poor-quality rough and even to some extent has serious flaws in the product flow. Similarly, the United States Government agencies similar to the FCC.

▲ So rough rough picture, understand only the fringe

▲ Despite parameter does not detail, such as processor type, upgrade plans, and so on

Eventually a certified mobile phone have a common network license. This mark is affixed to the battery compartment, and now with the emergence of integrative models most were attached to the fuselage back or packaging films. As a quality label, network access license by the Ministry of information industry, printed and issued, it means that there is a legitimate market identity, so differential licensed mobile phone is seen as one of the certificates of authenticity or not. Parallel models into the market through other channels, such as in Hong Kong, has not endorsed the Ministry of a naturally there would be no such mark.

?? current integrated model mobile phone network license logo stickers in the back

Preceding paragraph are intended to tell you new cell phones in the domestic marketing, need to get a network license, get certified this process inevitably leads to it sooner or later appear in the certification center of the site. But not all firms will be around it, like an Apple iPhone are generally released after the first certification. Phone shortly before 5 a delay until after the official announcement it's shadow appears in the list of certification by the Ministry. This can reduce the effects of early exposure to lower, launches step by step highlights the burden of their products to the whistle.

? IPhone 6 is released pre-IPO after China won the network access license (separate to the news and sure enough attention)

But even if the new machine appears in the Ministry certification site, which seemed to have not much impact on manufacturers, just let the media and users with some pleasure. Certification information, after all, just part of the rough and this picture is about the parameters did not show complete details (such as processor type, appearance, materials, etc), and some original features is beyond description. So in the end we can only see the surface, want to know more details of the core or even expected prices and so on, it must also be acquired through launches.

?? this sense of missionary field, not which website can give

If the Ministry of telecommunication equipment certification center of early exposure to be a starter, so after hanging the appetite, the official press conference often is a real feast. Interested users may wish to look at the above Web site often, maybe you are the first to burst out creators of a new machine hard materials.

最强“爆料达人”,工信部网站到底是怎样的存在? - 工信部,入网许可 - IT资讯



工信部往往会在新品未发布之前抢先“立功”,成为了不少新机首次曝光的第一源头,比如说锤子T2,OPPO R9 Plus等都被提前亮相。只是不知道在众媒体和用户一睹为快的同时,大小厂商们的心里独白会是什么。














▲iPhone 6发布后国内上市前获得了进网许可(单独给新闻果然受重视啊)




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